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[Me: zenkais are in the story now and bell is going to get a bunch of these because of umm you know how he is always beat up but they may not be so great because you know he because he lot stronger , also the picture may happen very soon.]

Bell: did my status really go up by that much?!
Hestia: yes it did, it seems that you have a natural talent for this and you also have a strong desire to get stronger.
Bell: yes I do.
Hestia: I respect your wishes bell but please I beg of you don't push your self to hard ok I don't want to lose the only member of my familia.
Bell: "don't worry I will work to become stronger But I will never leave you all alone and I will always come back no matter what ok." He said with a million valis smile
Hestia: ok I trust you bell.
Hestia: and just for you to know I maybe gone for the next 2 days.
Bell: hmm why is that?
Hestia: you'll find out soon enough. *giggle*
At mama Mia's
Bell: I am so so so sorry I promise you I didn't mean to run off with paying the other night but umm here this is what I owe you. *pulls out money bag*
Mama Mia: *gets money bag* well I appreciate you going through so much trouble to give me the money that you owe, and I am thankful you did or else I would have to find you and force you to give me the money myself.
Bell: I really am sorry plz don't hurt me 😰
Syr: you can stop apologizing bell, but I'm glad you came back it's nice to see you again. I assume your going back to the dungeon right *pulls out bento box* here this is lunch for you.
Bell: "no, no I can't" he protested
Syr: "but I want you to" she said while having a light blush
Bell: (she isn't going to let me go unless I take it ,right?)
Bell: ok fine thank you.

Mama Mia: your lucky Syr likes you and just so you know the only reason me and the others your little incident was because she begged us to.
Bell: she did that?
Mama Mia: listen here adventures don't get too far in life acting all tough focus on staying alive then you can start acting all cool.
Mama Mia: also even tho an adventurer may look weak it's the one who come back in 1 piece who are the real winners. Now get going and remember don't get yourself killed if you did then I would be disappointed.
Bell: bye see ya later!

With Hestia
Ganesha: I AM GANESHA!!!
Random 1: look it's Freya
Random 2: she'sas beautifulas always.

Freya: how are you doing Hestia
Hestia: "hey how are you? She said while swallowing the food she had in her mouth"
Freya: sorry are you busy?
Hestia: "always to busy to deal with you but at least your not as unbearable as some people." She says while as certain red hair goddess came
Freya: hehe your such a joker.
Loki: IT'S FREYA and the shrimpy
Hestia: oh great what are you doing here. -_-
Loki: well you know me just doing whatever I want.
Hestia: well this is perfect because I wanted to ask you something.
Loki: yeah?
Hestia: does ais have a partner or some like that.
Loki: what?! She my favorite human any man the gets near her gets torn to shreds!
Freya: you 2 get along so well
Loki and Hestia: no we don't.
Freya: why are you wearing a dress
Loki: well I heard a certain someone was coming so I got my best dress in order to mock her for being to poor to get a real dress.
Hestia: well guess what I am having a good laugh myself because you showed up to this place in a dress but you don't have any boobs hahaha!
Loki: why you little! *grabs her cheeks*
Hestia: ow that hurts!
Loki: guess what I don't care!

And then people started betting who would win the fight his time

Loki: "you know what forget it!" She yells with comical tears coming down her eyes
Hestia: guess what your so flat that I may mistake you for a guy next time
Loki: oh shut up!
???: you 2 are at it again huh?
Hestia: Hephaestus I missed you!
Hephaestus: if your after money then forget it your not getting a single Valis out of me.
Hestia: no that's not what I want.
Hephaestus: then what do you want?
Hestia: please I need help meeting the Hakiashin.
Everyone: what?!
hephaestus: Hestia have you lost your mind?! You want to meet a destroyer God may I remind you that he could split all our atoms if he wanted to!
Hestia: I know but I need help meeting him.
hephaestus: you know what fine but if something happens then I'm not helping.
Hestia: yay thank you Hephaestus.

With the G.O.D

???: oh Hestia what are you here for?
Hestia: hey I have a favor to ask bows down
Hestia: please give me one of the techniques of your power. Maybe right it down on some paper or something.
???: hmm why in the world would I do that?
Hestia: please I'm begging you sir
???: begging isn't going to work first tell me why you want it and maybe I'll consider it
Hestia: it's for a member of my familia and even though he is strong I want something that can assure his safety so please I beg of you let him learn one of your techniques.
???: your not going to stop until you get what you want.
Hestia: no I won't

???: Yare Yare Daze.

???: hey can I see this kid I want to see if he at least has potential.
???: of course my lord uses staff and shows the Hakiashin bell
???:hmm alright fine but you have to pay me back for this evil grin.
???: my lord are you sure about this?
???: yes I'm sure and plus she said it's for her familia.
Hestia: thank you so much I promise I will pay you back, see ya! *slams door*
???: my lord why did you do it we both know good and well you didn't do it out of heart so why did you do it?
???: hehe well the boy is a saiyan and this saiyan seems promising and I even feel like this boy could be the legendary super saiyan god that I have been looking for the last past 1000 years.
???: very well my lord now... what do we eat!
???: I don't know the food is amazing in Orario but how about we go to mama's Mia today and then let's get some crepes. *licks lips*
???: let's go!

With bell
Bell: (I wonder when Hestia is coming back she said it will be 2 or 3 days so she maybe be coming back today.)
Anya: helnya can nya do me a favor nya
*pulls out coin purse* can you give this to that silly girl Syr nya.
Bell: oh you want me to give this to Syr.
Ryu: I'm surprised you understood her some people can't understand her because of her saying meow in between her sentences .
Anya: what do nya mean.
Ryu: never mind about that just go give Syr her purse.
Bell: ok see ya later

With loki
Loki: ok what are you up to now this time, some kid from another familia catches your fancy and now you want him. Geez you always cause trouble everywhere you go you are one perverted goddess.
Loki: so this kid your after what's he like.
Freya: Weak unreliable and easy prey but he is cute and his aura is transparent a color that I have never seen before finding him was quite the coincidence he vanished from my site almost as quickly as he appeared.
Loki: hmhm what's wrong
Freya: sorry but something happened.
Loki: what you can't just-
Freya: later.
With bell
Hestia: I missed you so much bell
Bell: yeah I missed you too goddess.
Hestia: come on I have something to show you.
Bell: ok?
In the alleyway
Hestia: ok now open the scroll.
Bell: *opens it* woah what's this.
Hestia: let's just say it's something someone gave me it may take some time for you to learn but you'll get the hang of it someday.
Bell: ok thanks
30 minutes later
Hestia: why didn't you say that the person you were looking for was a girl bell you are such a sly dog.
Bell: I'm not a dog.
Boom 💥
Bell: What happened
Monke: roar.
Hestia: why is it looking at me
Bell: we should start running come on let's go we are near daedalus street if we go there we can lose it.
At daedalus street
Bell: ok we should have lost it ( but I have to look for it's ki to see if I can take him on I can't risk Hestia's life ... It seems we are somewhere around the same but if I can transform then I can beat him but I have to make sure Hestia is safe)
Bell: come on let's go.
Hestia: ok
But then bell throw Hestia in a cage
Hestia: bell what are you doing?!
Bell: don't worry about me just make sure you get away from here I will take care of the monster.
Hestia: bell wait.
But bell runs away
Bell: (I am not going to lose any more of my familia!)

[Me: Now start getting the broom we're gonna need it]

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