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Possible TW- Panic Attack

The first night went well everyone got there rooms, everything was fine until

He came.

March 19th, 3:02 PM

Karls POV:

"WHAT THE HONK DREAM" I yelled at dream which led him to wheeze so much oh my god

we were all chilling and we decided to go live on twitch everyone in chat was so happy they exploded with "POG" and everything you could imagine we had many crazy donos mostly about dnf ;)) BAHAHHA

about 30 minuets later we ended the stream with a two hour time we were currently on face time with purpled for one of his new vidoes "The Dream SMP controls my bed wars game" I cant wait to see how the video will turn out but just as we were all laughing and having the time of our lives there was a knock at the door.

"Ill get it" sapnap said, he got up away from the others. he was gone for about 2 minuets and then we heard him yell. "NO I MEAN IT GET THE HELL OUT" Everyone ran to the door to see what was happening and lets just say nobody expected it.

we saw Quackity at the door suddenly it felt like I couldn't breath. I was having a panic attack, my hands started shaking and I felt a tear prick my eye I ran past everyone to one of the bathrooms upstairs and splashed my face with cold water, I heard a knock at the door I had no idea who it could be what if it was Big Q but theres now way sap would let him in after....what happend that day, I dried my face with a towel and after I calmed down I heard a second knock then opened it

"Hey big man are you doing okay" It was Tommy standing outside the door way with a warm smile when you think of somone to cheer you up yes Tommy is so funny and a great guy off camera but I didnt expect him to be here none the less he came "I-im doing a bit better now thanks tommy, I just had a slight panic attack but im okay now but how did you know I was up here"

"Of course man basically when we all ran to the door I noticed your hands shake up a bit and you seemed off so I thought I would give you a minute then check up on you" man Tommy is a nice kid. "Wow thankyou Tommy that means alot but do you know what happend down stairs I saw him..and I just got flashbacks of t-that day" I saw Tommy face change instantly from a kind smile to pure sadness and pitty, "Well im not sure after you came up here I assume eveyone went to let purpled know somthing was up, Big Q may still be at the door but you dont have to go down there if you dont want to" his eyes were avoiding mind he was stairing at the ground then he looked back at me "Look Karl I know im not the most comforting person I could get Will or niki even Tubbo if you would like" he shot me a weak smile and my heart sank I felt bad everyone assumes hes annoying but hes the best "Tommy you have no idea how much you have just helped me honestly you are such a great friend and person and I really apricate this I think im all good to head back down if you are" we shared an agreeing smile before heading back downstairs

Sapnap seemed to be waiting for us he asked if we could go upstairs he said he wanted to ask me something real fast, he led me to our room in the vacation house and sat me on the bed "Karl Im sorry about yelling earlier but im sure you saw that Quackity was here...he asked to speak to you but I said I wouldn't let him if you didn't fell comfortable with it if you need to I can go talk to him with you" I could tell sap felt really bad but im not sure if i can talk to Quackity after that day but something inside me told me I had to. I put my hand on sapnaps and kissed his head

"I will go see what he had to say ill let you know if anything goes wrong I promise sappy okay" he noded and leaned into hug me his warm embrace is something I could never get enough of I always felt so safe in his arms like it was just us against the world. We walked down stairs to find everyone at the door except Tommy and Tubbo I dont think they wanted to be apart of whatever was going on and honestly I dont blame them

I met eyes with Alex and gave one last nod before stepping outside "Karl thankyou so much for talking to me I wanted to apologize for what I did I guess something controlled me when I found out you were with sapnap and I got really jealous and said many things to you that were so wrong I hope one day you can forgive me"

"Alex if you came to apologize it may take me a while" he let out a deep dreath then reached for my hand I pulled it away and took a step back "Look Karl thats not the only reason im here... I need to warn you that somone is out to try and get you guys and from what im guessing he will try to go after and get somone in the house you guys need to trust me and be carful whatever you do just try to stay safe I-i dont have much time I have to go but I hope you know im sorry Karlos"

I walked back into the house in pure shock I mean theres now way there somone out to get us we have done nothing of course from time to time there would be crazy fans but thats it. As soon as I walked back in all eyes were on me I knew somone had to break the slince soon "Sooooo what haopend out there" Of course Ranboo broke the silence, "Is eveything alright" Sap and Niki said at the same time we shared little laugs and I sat down but I couldnt help about thinking what Alex told me "well Alex told me that there was thid guy and he was...Im not sure if i should say it but he is out to get us..."

Everyone had a kinda scared look on there face but Wilbur the most "Karl what did he say the guys name was and did he say anything about him" I have never seen Wilbur look this scared well except the time he broke Tommy's vlog gun "Well he said his name was The Blade I forgot his actual name it was teno maid or something"

The room got really quite, To quiet assuming there are 3 minors here Wilbur opened his mouth but it took him awhile to say something " Karl was his name Techno Blade" Fundy and Drems faces went wide im so confused here "Oh yeah thats the one what a ridiculous name if you are going to make up a name at least make it scary am I right" I giggled a bit but Wills face stayed serious "Were not safe." Will said.

GUYSSSSSSS IM BACK WOAHHH I know I apologize alot but im soooooo sorry for taking such a long while to update you guys and the amount of support and reads I have gotten is unbelievable i mean 16.2k WHAT thankyou guys holy crap this story is very overated I know much better stories that deserve more reads but you guys are the best also I want to say that I absolutely love Techno and Big Q I'm so sorry for making them seem bad but Its not real life anyways yes it will get more interesting also what would you all wanna see for the next story are we felling some angst or no? also please Drink water I love you all!!

Word Count-1,382 :))

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