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//HUGE TW: Drinking// //TW: swearing, I dont swear irl I do in the book but if you dont like swearing im sorry!!//

Okay the tittle isnt the best but its 10:40 and I took a gummi to help me sleep so im tired but heres a new chapter :D enjoy

It had been one day since he had taken karl and lets just say nobody was doing good.

Wilburs POV: "NO SAPNAP" Wilbur looked at Sapnap and sighed, he could see the pain in his eyes. he had Tubbo and Ranboo calm Tommy down by paying on highpixle with him im not sure if its helping but after we found Tommy I asked the boys to try and calm him down this was hard on all of us but I knew Tommy and Karl had been getting closer lately, I'm currently fighting with Sapnap. I took another deep breath and pinched the bridge of my nose looking down. I was trying to get Sapnap to understand but he just wasn't.


I get this was hard oh him I tried to remain calm but I snapped back. "WE CANT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF TOLD SCHLATT THE TRUTH" Sapnap heard what I said and grew silent for what seemed to be years the silence turning awkward considering we are arguing, and everyone else there upstairs. Sapnap looked up at me I could tell he was going to yell again...But to my suprised he didnt instead he look at me dead in the eyes he looked drained. thats the only way to describe it.

"Wilbur I need Karl back he is my world I would do anything for him so just tell me why we cant tell Schlatt because we are waisting our time. Karls time." I knew he was going to ask eventually the only ones who know what happend where the ones that were there, that being me, Schlatt, Fundy Dream and Techno.

"Sapnap ill tell you what happend please come and sit on the couch" He sat across from he hands folded. I payed attenched to how he sat, he sat down with his hands folded on his lap looking awful to say the least you can tell he didnt sleep last night. "Okay you cant lash out on anyone involved after I tell you this... This happend roughly 4 years ago it was me, Dream, Jschlatt, Technoblade and Fundy we were at Schlatts house and Schlatt had brought his girlfriend of 2 years over to finally meet us all, his closest friends. when she arrived we all watched a movie it was so fun and she made him so happy that was until Schlatt said he had to go pick u his brother and his girlfriend decided to stay at his house as she was to tired to go out so we decided to pull a prank on her Schlatt had left his phone after his brother called, Fundy took it and changed his name to "Babe" in Schlatts phone and he texted his phone, seconds after we hard a ping and asked if his girlfriend to see who it was...she said say and she stared at the phone for a while

Dream asked he what was wrong and we saw he look like her world had fallen apart we tried not to laugh until we saw how hurt she looked. She ran out the door crying and we all felt bad about it but what we knew is that we didnt want to see Schlatt angry at us and so we had left. all but Techno see he had to call his mom so he had no idea about our prank and he thought we just went for a walk but when Schlatt got back he blamed Techno who of course didnt know what he was going on about nut after that we said to never speak of it again I know it may seem like the worst thing that happend but after we ran into schlatt one day we found our he used drinking as a coping mechanism and he told us what he would do to Techno if he were to ever see him again we should have came clean but we were young back then and to stupid to claim what we did. but we knew that if Schlatt were to find out it was us now he would go after one of the kids. Hes a drunk now and he knows who we care about but of course he isnt going after an adult but I will do everything I can to protect them all."

Sapnap look shocked just pure shock "You all ruined his life...And thats why he took Karl I dont get why Karl though I didnt do shit to Techno but you know we have to go to schlatt" I heard Sapnap say the only thing I hoped he wouldnt say but I knew we had to it was the right thing to do but if schlatt come after any one of the kids he wont be able to walk again thats a promise.

"Okay, the kids will stay here with everyone and im coming with you and the others so after we see Schlatt we can call the number and get Techno back and get Karl"

I nodded at Sapnap and we got the guys they agreed we didnt tell anyone anything we just left and asked Niki and the others to watch the children.


"Okay guys hes most likey drunk but whatever happens make sure he dosent do anything to anyone" Everyone replied with an okay and then Dream nocked on Schlatts door about a minuet later of standing in the gloomy weather we heard loud foot steps aand the door opened Schlatt looked like he had seen a ghost we havent spoken with him in 4 years so im sure he didnt expect to see us I looked down in his hand to see a beer bottle and right away beef filled my nose it smelt awful. I knew nobody would have spoke up so i did "Hi schlatt w-we have something to tell you can we please come in for a moment"

He opended the door and moved for us to walk in him still staying silent. When we walked in there were beer bottles on every surface you could place one and it smelled so bad but we didnt need to make him anymore angry then he was about to be.

"So its been awhile the last time I see you four was well.. the day that Techno ruined my life....so what brings you here after years"

Dream started "T-thats actually what we came here for so that day y-you left we took you hone and we" Dream stopped and let out a shaky breath "We thought it would be funny to pull a prank and so we took phone and we basically acted like you were cheating on your girlfriend and we needed to tell you that it was all us...Techno had no part in it and we are so sorry it was dumb of us and we cant take back what we did but we had to tell you"

everyone looked nervous but Schlatt he looked so angry we were all terrified at this point. He sat his drink down and started to laugh. "After all of this fucking time you are telling you you guys did this and I blamed Techno for what happend you guys ruined everything for me after that everything went down hill I want you all to get the fuck out of my house now or I sware to god I will have a talk to the kids."

I heard him say that and it pissed me off so bad I regreted what I did next but before I know it my knuckles were a deep red and Schlatt was on the ground "YOU WONT TOUCH TOMMY TUBBO OR RANBOO OR ILL DO MUCH WORSE. TOUCH THOES KIDS SCHLATT AND YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD"

We ruined his life I get that but he wont hurt them Ill die for thoes kids. I had to have Dream Sapnap and Fundy stop me from destroying that arsehole.

"WILL WE HAVE TO CALL TECHNO COME ON" I folowed Sapnap along with the others we drove off and Sapnap dialed the number it rang twice "Did you tell him?" That was him, TechnoBlade his voice is the same but it sounds...broken.

"Yes I did now where is Karl" The call was silent we heard a bit of shuffling "Calm down Nick, Karl is fine" the call fell quite "well hes kind of fine but once I give you this adress you better hurry we wouldnt want him to bleed out" That bastard. "Give me the adress now or i will fucking Kill you"

"Okay calm down, calm down the adress is xxxx xxx st goodbye now"

I typed in the adress it was 3 minuets away from us but Dream speedran (HAHA see what I did there okay sorry please continue with the story hehe)

We arived 2 minuets later and Sapnap ran into the building it was a dark shed with no houses just a shed.

Sapnaps POV:

I ran out of the car to the shed this could have been a trick I dont know but I didnt care I looked down to see a lock at the door knob "Karl KARL" I kicked the door twice before I got it open but when I opened it we all ran in I saw karl tied up in a chair he looked awful we had blood on his head and his shirt a swollen lip and a black eye I looked up and Dream and he was on the phone with 911

GUYS HOW WE FELLIN? IM SORRY FOR THIS my laptop is about to die but please tell me if you liked this chapter i spent a week trying to think of how to start this chapter and here it is I love you all my laptop is at 4% illctry to reply to some commets soon :) HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!

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