Chapter 3

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Crap. Not again. I'm too late for school. I just hope that Mrs. Clark wont ask me all these stupid questions again. Since I have to bring Jamie in the kindergarden I'm often too late. But I'm afraid that if my teachers  figure out why I'm late, that they could take me Jamie away. The school corridor was empty and I took one more deep breath before I knocked on the door. The moment of shame when you are too late, the lesson has already started and the whole class is watching like they have seen the Blessed Virgin Mary. Oh great. The attention will be focused on me, and I look like I got dressed in the dark. It was so hectic this morning and I had to make Jamie ready so I grabbed, without even looking, my black skinny jeans and my blue superman t-shirt. Apart from this: my long brown hair looked like a family of birds had slept in it. " Mrs. Styles! How nice that you grace us with your presence! Please sit down and go to see me this afternoon when the lessons are finished.I need to talk with you." Wow. Good job. I congratulated myself. Hopefully I will be able to pick Jamie up in time. The first two hours of the day I had math, and to be honest, I can not even say what the topic is. I'm always trying to sleep as unobtrusive as possible on my place in the back row. I just hope that Mrs. Clark wont ask me too many questions. The rest of the school day, I tried to concentrate me frantically to make a better impression, but I was just so done that I could barely pretend interest.

The lesson was finally over and I was looking for Mrs. Clark who asked me to accompany her to her office. Seems like this is gonna be fun. " I'm really worried about you! You were always a good schoolgirl! But its like you dont pay attention in the lessons anymore! Do you have any problems at home?! You know you can trust me! There is a solution for everything! You have to try harder! You are so young! You have to learn for your future!!" Oh yeah?! If I have any problems?! Nooo! I'm a 17 year old girl who tries to be a mother for a little boy! A girl who has to go to work to earn some money and who has to be focused on school! I'm not working like a robot. It's fucking impossible. And at the moment Jamie is the most important thing. No one knows how I feel right now. I'm fucking done. I lost my parents from one day to the next. Suddenly I had to take the whole responsibility for my little brother, because my older sister doesn't care. But inside I'm still the little girl who needs her mum. But I have to be fucking strong for the only person who is my family right now. These answers went through my head when I responded: "No I have no problems! I will improve myself, I promise!" At least I will try. Oh god. Now I'm already lying to myself. I already wanted to get up and go to pick Jamie up as Mrs. Clark began to talk about organizations where I could find some help. Damn. She doesn't believe me. And I thought this two years in the theatre group were succesful. But I just said that I don't need help! Was it so hard to understand?! I could barely pay attention to the voice of Mrs. Clark as the clock on her desk caught my eye. Shit. Jamies kindergarden has closed for almost ten minutes! I jumped up and said something about an urgent appointment when I stormed out of the school building.

Now I had also let Jamie down. I hope he doesn't try to go home alone! What if something has happened to him?! Mum, Dad I'm so sorry. At the moment everything is going wrong. I desperately tried to calm my breathing as I ran the way to jamies nursery school. I was just crossing the street as a strong blow struck me on my chest and everything around me went black.

Hey guys!

Thank you for reading!

I hope you like it!

The next chapter is gonna be in Zayns PVO, so i hope its gonna be good ♥

Any suggestion for the background music?!

love youuu

 She's just a girl, and she's on fire

Hotter than a fantasy, longer like a highway

She's living in a world, and it's on fire

Feeling the catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away

Oh, she got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down

Oh, she got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down

This girl is on fire

This girl is on fire

She's walking on fire

This girl is on fire

Looks like a girl, but she's a flame

So bright, she can burn your eyes

Better look the other way

You can try but you'll never forget her name

She's on top of the world

Hottest of the hottest girls say

-Girl on fire- 

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