Chapter 27

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Brynja finally moved from the spot Loki had left her. She had felt rooted there for many minutes. She went to her wardrobe and pushed aside her finery to where a long black dress hung alongside layers of black skirts and shawls. She pulled the pieces from the closet and placed the clothes she had laid out the night before in her dresser. She knew she would not be able to sleep, so she stepped behind the dressing screen. She saw Loki's discarded shirt from the night before and picked it up, crying into the fabric. She pulled herself together and set the shirt down. There would be numerous things of his she would have to figure out what to do with in the coming days. She dressed in her blacks, stepped out to brush her hair, and saw Katja and Sunny both sitting up in bed.

Katja stared at her mother's dress, "You're really fancy."

Sunny smacked her sister's arm, "Shut it, Kat, that's mourning clothing."

Katja's eyes widened, "Mother? What's going on?"

Brynja sat down on the bed with her girls, "Loki lost the crown. He was executed this morning."

Sunny sat in stunned silence as tears flowed down her face. Katja threw herself on her pillow and wailed into it. Brynja sat with them, her own tears returning.

After an hour, Sunny spoke, her tears finally slowing, "Are we going to go back to Asgard now?"

Brynja nodded, "Yes. I have no reason to stay here now. I do not even know if it is safe. We will pack today."

Katja wailed, "But I liked King Loki! I don't want to go back to Father and have to live in the walls!"

Brynja rubbed her back, "I know you did. I was quite fond of him, too."

Sunny watched her mother and heard the catch in her voice, "You were more than just fond of him, Mother." She also knew what she had seen the night before, "If not, he most certainly was quite fond of you."

Brynja went silent for a moment, then thought of a reply, "We won't discuss that until we are safely on the Bifrost and headed for your Grandfather's hall." Sunny nodded.

Someone knocked on the door and Brynja walked over to it, calling through, "Who is it?"


She opened the door a crack, "Are we safe?"

Bel smiled, "You have my word. Not that I thought to harm you before this morning, but I promised Loki you would be welcome guests in Jotunheim so long as I am king."

Brynja opened the door a little father, "Then come in, if you wish."

Bel entered and brought a trunk in with him, "These are the only effects Loki left in the king's quarters. I thought they would be most at home here."

"Thank you," Brynja responded. She thought and then asked, "Was it quick?"

Bel bowed his head, "Yes. King Laufeyson died a noble death asking only two things before the axe fell, neither of which were truly for him. He asked that his body be given to you so his burial wishes could be honoured. He also asked that I hold you and your children as innocents and as my guests. I agreed to both. He did not beg for mercy, he did not dishonour himself."

"Bel, if it would not offend you, I think we ought to leave for my father's halls soon. The girls need rest and time to recover in the arms of their grandmother and I think I am going to need to seek refuge with her as well. Loki was very dear to me. I do not think I can properly grieve for him here."

Bel understood, "I will ready your cart and put my guards at your disposal to help you load your belongings."

She nodded, "Thank you. I will begin as soon as the girls are dressed. Please, do not think I am not grateful for all you and your father have done for us through the years. I am. But I have to take care of my children and myself. And I must bury my dear friend."

As Bel left, he turned back, "You should know one thing- Loki vanished as the axe came to his neck. There is no body to bury." The door clicked shut behind him.

Brynja's face grew pale and she dropped down to the floor.

Katja flopped out of bed, "What the heck does that even mean?"

Sunny was equally stunned, "Did he make himself disappear?"

Brynja shook her head, "His magic won't work in the throne room, nor will mine. If it was not an opening of the Bifrost that retrieved him, there is only one person who might have been able to pull him from that room."

Katja searched her mind for answers, "The Witch?"

Brynja stood up, "No, child. Not the Witch. Freyja." She took her photographs down from the topmost trunk and began packing. The children dressed quickly and she handed them a trunk so they could do the same.

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