Dean Imagine | Valentines Surprise

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Imagine Dean surprising you on Valentine's Day:

You were nervous. Dean said he had something special planned for you that night, and to be honest he was unpredictable.

You had been living with Sam and Dean in the bunker for a couple months now ever since they found out demons were after you. Out of good nature, Sam decided it was best that they take you in. And as disgruntled as Dean was about it, you both really hit it off.

You weren't technically dating yet, but there was some tension.

Dean would shoot flirtatious glanced and you would reply with blowing a kiss, followed by gagging from Sam. Nothing was sexual, but God, did you want it to be. I mean who wouldn't want touch every inch of his body. The thought of having him at your mercy, begging and pleading.. that's enough to make a girl go wild.

The bunker was quiet that day. People coming and going. Castiel popped in for a bit to give some news on the demons that were searching for you.

"These Demons, Sam. Their on to you. They know you have Y/N." Cas exchanged worried looks with you, and stared back at Sam.

Sam was worried also, "Is there anything you can do? Or, we can do? Just to throw 'em off her trail?" Cas pursed his lips and shrugged, "I'll try my best, Sam." And just like that, he was gone, the echo of wings flapping quickly fading. Dean walked in, a mug in his hands. He stepped behind you and set his mug down, "Take a sip, if you want."

You nodded, blushing slightly at the suggestive eye wiggles coming from Sam. Dean leaned down and rested his elbows on the back of your chair, smiling, "So, what did Cas want?" Dean's eyes were hooded with a dreamy look, twirling your hair in his fingers.

Sam chuckled nervously, "Well, the demons are on our trail, and they know we have her." He cleared his throat, "But, Cas said he'll see what he can do." Dean's body tensed for a short moment at the mention of the angel's name, but quickly relaxed, pulling away from you. You reached out, hands brushing, and pulled him back to you. Sam got up and left, his giddy laughter following him out of the room.

Dean picked you up and sat down on the chair, now in his lap. He put an arm around your torso and played with the hem of your shirt, "So." was all you could spit out. Dean's face hardened and he looked at you. Your gut dropped, like a cold stone plummeted in your stomach, "What-"

Dean cupped his hands to your face and fiercely, passionately kissed you. Surprise held you for a moment, but you relaxed and tilted your head, deepening the kiss. Tiny moans escaped your lips when his fingers tightened around your waist, moving roughly to your thighs. Dean situated himself so that his legs were open, and you straddled his waist, breaking the kiss.

You opened your mouth to speak, but Dean crashed his lips to yours once more. His mouth was hasty and his hands hungry for more skin then he was getting. You pulled away, biting your lip, "Dean." Dean was panting and his eyes were blown with lust and desire, "Wh-what." Your fingers played with the buttons on his flannel, "What did you have planned for me?" You changed the subject quickly, biting the inside of your cheek when his hands moved down your back, cupping your ass. A giggle escaped your mouth, successfully hiding the dark moan.

"That's for me to know," He put a thumb on your lips and smiled, "And you to find out." You rolled your eyes, "Deean! Come on!" He chuckled and stood up, your legs wrapping around his waist. His hands slid under your thighs, holding you up, "Now, Y/N, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." He sneered, "And that defeats the purpose."

You made a pouty face and your nails scratched gently on his back in a soothing manner, "Can you give me a hint?" He thought for a moment, "Amazing." was all he said.

You rolled your eyes and situated your hips on his stomach, "That's the best hint ever, Dean. I practically know." Sarcasm laced your response. He kissed you quickly before setting you down on the ground, "You'll just have to wait and see." He winked before walking into the kitchen, a few giggles and a "Shutup, Sammy"s muffled through the walls.

You went into your room and laid down, falling asleep as soon as you closed your eyes.

When you woke up, you heard a soft voice whispering and warm hands on your stomach, "Y/N. Hey, Wake up, sweetie."

The last part made your face crack into a smile. Your voice was groggy from sleep, "Your such a sap, you know that?" You lifted your head to sit up, only to be pushed down by lips. Dean rolled on top of your legs and held your hands by your side, "Shhh, just lay down." You raised an eyebrow, unclear of what he was doing.

Dean placed his lips on your bare stomach, his calloused thumbs rubbing circles on your palms, "Your so beautiful," His lips traced up to your bellybutton, "and funny," the scratch of his scruff slowly making his way up your body, sending shivers, "and fuck your hot without even wanting to be." You bit your lip, your legs aching under his weight. He slid his face up to your chest and placed a few kisses there, looking up at you through his eyelashes. His mouth hovered over your neck and he smiled, every single hair on his chin lighting up your nerves. You bucked your chest and he nibbled at your clavicle.

Dean chuckled, his breath hot on your skin. Your breath hitched when he came up to your face, placing small kisses on the corner of your mouth. You broke the stifling silence, "Dean." He didn't bother looking up, replying with a lazy 'Hmm'. His hands and lips exploring, worshipping every inch of you.

Your throat croaked when his hands cupped your thighs, "Dean.. D-Dean stop.." He didn't though. He went as far as he thought he could get away with. Your fingers threaded in his hair as he pleasured you, his mouth working masterfully and your breath practically a pant. Dirty words slipped past your tongue, and Dean's throat rumbled with a purr against your most sinful parts. Your voice grew louder, "Dean..!" He slid up your body, his hand working its way to please you. His lips met yours and you could taste yourself, a blush rising in your cheeks. Your fingers clawed to find his buttons, and you proceeded to unbutton him, giving up and settling for his half-exposed chest.

It was toned and you couldn't help yourself. Your eyes closed and you moaned against his shoulder, his scruff tickling your neck. Your hands pawed desperately everywhere, and Dean finally took control of you. He used his free hand to hold them above your head, "Shh.. let me take care of you.."

You felt your body lock up and Dean felt it too. He put his forehead against yours and soothed you through your orgasm, his hand slowing. Dean took his hand away and released your hands, pulling you into a tight spoon. You could feel his half-hard boner in his pants and you moaned sleepily, "Dean.. shouldn't I take care of that?" You looked over your shoulder to see his eyes closed, "Hmm.. We'll see about that later.. I want to sleep right now."

You nodded and nestled closer to him, breathing in the smell of sex and cheap cologne. You turned to face him, "Dean?" He peeked through his eyelashes, "Hm?"

You brought a hand to his face and traced your fingers across the bridge of his nose, admiring the freckles that you've never managed to count. He smiled, chuckling sleepily, "Whaat?"

You kissed his cheek, closing your eyes, "I Like You." He smiled and rolled his eyes, returning the kiss. Dean bundled you up in his arms and kissed your forehead, "Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N."


A/N: Okay, so was that okay? I tried to make it where it could work for either a boy or a girl.
Kinda late for Valentine's, but, I hope it was good!

Any Destiel, Sabriel, Wincest, etc.
Oneshots or Imagines suggestions would be great! Just comment and ask!


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