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Dean and Sam shuffled through the front door of the bunker, supporting a deadweight on their shoulders. A pained expression wrinkled Dean's features when Cas moaned out in pain, "Sam, I got him." Sam left him to carry Cas, walking to the couch to grab blankets. Dean bent down to adjust his grip on the man, carrying him in his arms bridal style.

Sam looked up when Dean walked past him, "He can have my room. Grab some water." Sam shot out of the room when Dean rounded the corner.

Dean maneuvered his way down the thin hallway, using Cas's feet to push his bedroom door open. He fell to his knees by the edge of the bed, ignoring the pain that shot through his bones. Cas was set down easily on the bed, the bed creaking under his weight. "Okay sit up, Cas." Dean fluffed a few pillows and stuffed them behind him, making sure to tuck the blankets around his legs. He stood up and turned around, only to have a warm hand wrap around his fingers loosely, "Dean.." Dean squeezed his hand gently, "Just give me a second." Cas's fingers slipped away, and Dean walked out of the room.

He stood outside the room, rubbing a hand down his face. He made a mistake, a big one. Cas was human now, and he was on Dean's watch. He wasn't paying attention and he got sick.

Really sick..

Sam strided up to Dean with another blanket, a wet rag, and two bottles of water in hand, "Good?" Dean looked up, an exasperated look on his face, "Great." Dean turned back into the room, followed by Sam, "I got this Sammy, go watch some chick flicks or whatever you do. I can take care of Cas." Sam frowned, "Are you sure, Dean?" Dean forced a smile and patted his brother on the shoulder, "You did good. I can take over." Sam reluctantly turned away, closing the door behind him.

Dean turned his attention to the coughing man on his bed, "Alright, Cas. Rise an shine, buddy." Cas groaned in pain, holding his hands to his gut, "I know I know, I'm gonna fix you up." Dean pulled up a chair and sat next to Cas, who immediately reclaimed his hand, "Woah, h-hey. Your gonna be fine." Dean put his hand to his cheek hesitantly, earning a small smile from Cas's pale face, "Thank you, Dean-" Suddenly a low gargling noise came from his throat, surprising Dean.

Cas shot forward, holding his stomach, "Oh, okay okay. Hold it in." Dean stood up quickly, the chair scooting behind him, "Shit, uhh.. Here." He grabbed a nearby trashbin, holding it under Cas just in time.

Dean brought his hand to Cas's forehead, brushing the sweaty hair back. Cas finally lifted his head back up, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, "I don't feel very well, Dean." Dean's face broke out into a smile, "Yeah, yeah I know. Not for long." Cas set the bucket next to him and Dean took it in his hands hesitantly, "I'm gonna go, uh.. empty this." Cas blushed red, giving a nod.

Dean slipped out of his room and walked into the kitchen to find Sam, "What's that?" Dean chuckled, "Special stew, wanna try?" Sam pursed his lips at the smell, "Oh my- oh my god did he?!-" "Yeah, alot." Dean rinsed it out in the sink, looking away the whole time, "Mind going and pickin' up some soup or somethin?" Sam closed his laptop and stood up, "Sure." Dean fished a few bills out of his pockets and shoved it at Sam's chest, "I got it." Sam scoffed, "Dean, I can pay for it-" "No, no. It's my angel, my treat." Both of them paused for a moment, "That came out wrong-" "-No, its uh.. I'll go."

Sam slipped his jacket on and grabbed the keys to the Impala, "Have fun." Dean caught a wink from him, "Gross, Sam." Sam laughed his way out the door, leaving the bunker quiet except for the muffled coughing from Cas.

Dean walked back into his room, setting the bucket down by the chair, "How's soup sound?" Cas nodded, "That sounds delightful, Dean." Dean smiled, "Awesome. Sam just left to pick it up." Cas sat up suddenly, leaning towards Dean, "So we're alone?" Dean chuckled nervously, "Uh. Yeah. Why?" Cas's excitement subsided as he fiddled with the cap of the water bottle, "Can you lay with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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