chapter 1

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"MADI!!" charli run towards her best friend. "I bet you won't guess what I dreamed tonight!"
"What was it this time?" Madi rolled her eyes and giggled as she takes out her books from her locker.
"I dreamed I ate ice cream on the bench, you know in that romantic place, next to the sea."
"What romantic place?"
"You know.. where Max sell his AMAZING ice cream!!"
"You mean 'the love ice cream'? " madi said "I don't believe in this. It's probably just a lie so people will come to buy his ice cream."
"Well, it doesn't matter because I sat there alone, On the bench." Charli looked down "do you think it means something about my love life?"
"Charli, you just broke up with josh. Of course you'll feel lonely." Madi said and opened her bag, she took out teddy bears stickers and showed them to charli. "What do you think? I'm going to put them on my locker's door!"
"Those are really cute Madi!" Charli said, she felt like someone is staring at her, it was josh. She turned her head back to madi immediately. "Stick them later" she said and grabbed her hand.

"Dreams can affect reality, that's what they say. Dreams do not come from nowhere, they are built from our feelings and things we have seen.  So I think the right sentence is "Reality can affect dreams" their teacher explained.
"But mrs. Brown, sometimes I dream about people I don't even know." Avani said.
"Well, we don't have to know them personally to have them in out dreams, it can even be someone you saw for a second in the street, our brain remember those faces and show them in out dreams."
Bell ring.
"Don't forget your project for the next month about 'reality affects dreams'!" She said loudly as the students stood up.
"The perfect project for you." Madi said.
"Yup. It really is." Charli replied.

"Good night!" Charli shouted for the third time, she waited for an answer from her parents but they argued so loud they didn't hear her. Dixie would reply, but she's living with her husband, Noah, in their own house now.
"Dixie.." Charli's voice vibrated to the phone.
"Charli! What happened?"
"Will it ever stop?" She cried.
"I'm so sorry, charli. I know how hard it's for you, it will be alright soon"
"What she said! Don't worry!" Noah's voice was heard from the kitchen.
"Tomorrow will be a brand new day. Good night sis!"
"Good night" charli hang up. A tear dropped on her pillow. She sighed and feel asleep.
Charli looked on the brown bench, then up at the sky. She wished someone would come, she felt so lonely. Someone was sitting near her. He looked at the sky too. "I hope I'm not bothering you." Charli still looked at the sky. "No, of course not." She said.
"So what brings you here?"
"I was looking for you." The boy looked at her, and she tried to look at his face, but she couldn't. She tried to turn her head, it was hard. When she finally succeeded.. she woke up.

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