chapter 2

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"I was looking for you"
Charli gasped as she woke up. Not again. The same dream for a week. It was 4:12am, she knew she's not going to fall asleep again soon, she decided to take a walk. She took her coat and closed the door. Although she slept 7 hours she was still tired, she saw everything blurred and her feet struggled to skip over stones. "Ouch" she said when she stepped over a few little stones. She looked down and tried to take them off her foot. A boy passed by her. It's 4:23am what is he doing awake? She didn't really care, she just wanted to return back home. When she reached home she found the boy sitting next to her door.
"OMG. you scared me. What are you doing here?" He didn't answer. His body was covered with a big black hoodie.
"Are.. you okay?" He nodded.
"I can bring you some water if you want." She offered, he didn't answer.
"Okay.. I will bring you some water just stay here.. what's your name?" She tried to look at his face but it was covered with the hoodie's little hat. "I need you look at me. I can't talk to you like this." He looked up, straight to her eyes. His blue eyes made her feel butterflies in her stomach, her eyes were wide open, he was handsome. "Chase." He whispered. "What are doing outside in this hour, chase?"
"I had a very weird dream,that keeps returning. So I decided to take a walk out side."
She gasped slightly "why did you sit next to my house?"
"I don't know, I sat next a random house I didn't even knew it was yours."
"Well.. it's mine." She smiled "I'll bring you a glass of water stay here"
She opened the door behind him and went straight to the kitchen. When she came back he wasn't there. He left a note under her feet, she picked it up. There was nothing written on it. Weird.
"Hey girl, what dream did you have tonight? Oh let me guess, you dreamed about this boy again?" Madi laughed
"No, yesterday was special, I dreamed about it, yes, that's why I decided to take a walk and then I saw a boy.. he had blue eyes and perfect smile wow."
"So you have a crush on a homeless"
"When did you meet him? 2am?"
"4:34. Yup, exactly"
"Wow. What did he do outside in this hour?"
"That's exactly what I asked him and he said-"
Bell ring.
"Sorry, I'll tell you next time I'm late for mrs. Smith's class!" Charli waved at her and turn to her class. She sat down and looked around smiling, she isn't late. A hand landed on her desk and shook it. "DAMELIO, THIS IS MY SEAT"
"But I seat here every year, nessa"
"Get up. You can seat in the back" charli stood up and nessa smiled. "Well done, dumbmelio"
charli slapped her. "Get lost"
Nessa didn't move for a few seconds then nodded quietly and went to sit in another seat. Charli smiled proudly to herself. She took out the note chase gave her last night, there's no way he left he nothing. She turned it and saw a message.
"3:30pm, ice cream. Sorry gtg"

Ice cream?

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