chapter 3

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"Should I go?"
"Are you crazy Charli? You don't know him." madi answered.
"I technically do, plus, it will be very rude to leave him alone there."
"Go then."
"No but I'm scared."
"Don't go then. What do you want me to say?" madi sighed "you can get ice cream in my house."
"Yes, I know.. but do you remember my dream? What if he's the boy from my dream?"
"Charli, you've never seen him before" madi said.
"I know! Mrs. Brown said that we can't see a face of someone in our dreams if we never seen them before, but the point is that I've never actually seen his face in my dream!"
Madi sighed, "are you coming to my house to eat some ice cream or not?"
"I guess so.."
"Great!" Madi jumped.

"I'm home!" Madi opened the white door. Madi's mom was never home, and she probably felt sorry for that. Their house was covered in her children pictures. On the door, fridge and walls, everywhere.
"Hey" Lucas said. Lucas is madi's older  brother. His blonde straight hair looked always so soft and his very green eyes were always happy to help. "Charli?" He smiled "what are you doing here?" His deep voice said.
"I came to eat ice cream with your sister" she giggled and blushed "I hope you don't mind" charli have always liked Lucas. He is so nice and kind to her, and he is so handsome too.
"PLEASE. I'm going to vomit." Madi shouted. "We have cookies, strawberries and chocolate. Which flavor you like better?"
"Oh uhm.."
"Cookies, great choice!" Madi grabbed charli's hand and led her to her room. Lucas was after them. Madi turned around and looked in his green eyes. "DON'T even think about it."
"Okay, okay.. I'm going to my room, chill" he waved to charli and smiled before madi slammed the door in his face.
"Why are you so mean to him? He was only trying to be nice." Charli looked at the door.
Madi gave charli a spoon.
"I'm not mean!"
"Okay sorry!! Just give him a chance! He's trying to be nice to you!" Charli smiled.
"He just want to get your attention that's all"
"No he doesn't! Madi he's like a brother to me!"
Madi laughed.
"It's 3:15pm Madi. I really think I should go."
"I would stop you but you won't listen to me" madi sighed. 
"Right! Goodbye, see you tomorrow!!" And she closed the door.

"3:36pm. I hope it's still not too late." She thought to herself. "Oh there he is!"
"Hey chase! How are you?" Charli asked and smiled. Chase said nothing. He looked in her eyes. She mesmerized for a second. What's happening to her?
"Would you like to seat?" He asked and laughed. Now it was her turn to say nothing.
"Excuse me? I don't really know your name yet,"
She shook her head, "oh I'm charli!" Charli sat on the brown bench, then looked up to the sky. Chase was sitting near her. He looked at the sky too. "I hope I'm not bothering you." Charli still looked at the sky. "No, of course not." She said. Charli had deja vu for a second.
"I just moved to LA." He said "I was wondering if you could help me make new friends" he looked at her. Charli remembered why she had deja vu. THE DREAM!
"Wait." Charli stopped him "this is not what you suppose to say."
"Huh? What do you mean?" Chase didn't understand. "My parents said I need a new start, they felt like I need something in my life that we didn't had in our old city. So we moved to here. I think I just need some new friends, that is all." Chase looked at her eyes again, and her head started to ache.
"But.. but.." she looked down, she tried to focus. "This is not how it goes. You ruined it. Something isn't right!" Charli stood up.
"I really don't understand" he stood up too.
"I'm sorry I got to go." Charli said and hugged him. Chase was shocked when he hugged her back.
"But why?"
"I'm sorry chase, I will help you. Take my number I will talk to you when I'll get home. Goodbye for now."
She looked back. Chase sat on the brown bench and looked at his phone.
"This is not how the dream went!" She said quietly to herself.

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