Chapter 4: Things that go bump in the night.

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Steve watched April retreat into his bedroom before gathering his own bedding.

He grabbed a blanket and a spare pillow from the closet and set about trying to fit onto his average sized couch; his feet dangled off the edge making it slightly uncomfortable, but it was only for one night, it couldn't hurt him.

He hadn't realised he'd drifted off until a sudden squeal woke him up.


Jumping off the sofa he made his way towards his bedroom, gently knocking on the door with the back of his knuckles.

"A, everything okay?"

All he heard was a short whimper and sniffle in reply, so he gently pushed the door open.

"I-I'm fine." She said upon Steve's entry into the room "I just had a nightmare- I don't know."

"Hey, its okay. I get them sometimes too" he admitted.

She looked up at him slightly shocked "Really?"

"Yeah, all the time." he repeated anxiously. "Uh-you wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head furiously.

"You want me to get you a glass of water?" He offered

She sniffed, shaking her head again.


He was running out of options, he hadn't been kidding when he said he hadn't had experience with crying women.

"You wanna hug?" He tried

She sniffed again, but this time looking up at him with adoration spread across her face, she nodded.

Steve smiled "C'mere." climbing onto the bed next to her, and pulling her against his right shoulder.

This wasn't enough for April.

The sobbing woman quickly turned and threw her arms around the soldiers neck, holding him as tightly as she could.

It took a while for Steve to adjust to this, but after a few seconds of being shocked by the attack hug, he soon wrapped his arms around her and reciprocated.

"Steve." her voice was so small it was barely a whisper, "Will you stay in here with me tonight?"

Awakening - (Last in the trilogy of my Steve Rogers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now