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~ Emma's POV~

My body is left buzzing, my mind is completely dizzy. Regina, for some stupid reason, decides to slip under my desk when the person at the door knocks again. With frustration I chuckle to myself and smack my palm against my face.

"Come in," I mutter against it, hoping the person didn't hear me through my flesh and just decided to leave.

Nope! Its Mary Margret, my childhood friend. She has this big bright smile....who am I kidding, she always has this big dumb smile on her face. Normally I wouldn't say dumb but I'm so pissed right now! Regina maybe young but dear lord she has the tongue of a goddess. Nobody has ever made me feel good like that ever in my life!

"Emma! I was just checking in on you," she says sweetly. I nod a force a cheeky smile which was a fuck up because Marg can always see right past me.

"I'm good, I'm just putting in grades," I inform her.

Its a lie, a stupid lie. My computer isn't even on. With panic now coursing through me, I shake the mouse upon my desk to wake up the bright screen from its sleep mode. What makes matters worse is that my body is shivering and tensing because I can feel Regina's fingers gently grazing upon my thighs. My heart stills and my breath forcefully holds itself as she gets closer and closer.

When she does, man do I almost lose my shit.

"Em, are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm totally fine I promise!" I mutter through gritted teeth.

The sensation Regina sends through my body is way too powerful for me to hold back a groan at the very least. Mary takes the opportunity to step in a close the door behind her. I get she's concerned by the way I'm acting but I wish she would just leave. Even though this is so fucking hot right now, I need her to leave. Could you imagine if she decides to step behind my desk only to find my pants down and Regina underneath devouring me mercilessly?! It would be a complete disaster!

"Where's Regina?" She interrogates innocently. As I force my head to clear, I rub my temple. Its soooo hard to think right now!


"Yeah.....she told me she had detention with you for two months."

"Oh! Right-fuck me!" I groan, slamming my fist against the desk accidentally. It scared Mary and earned a hum against my clit from Regina. I just, I can't!

"Regina's....in the bathroom," I groan, placing my forehead on the cool desktop. Its so hot in here! "Is it me or is it really hot in here?"

"I think you should go home. Maybe you're getting a fever, this is so unlike you." Please fucking leave Mary.


"Mary...." I mumble but I really want to scream for Regina not to stop. Oh god she feels so damn good!

"Em," she stops in front of my desk, scaring me shit. I finally lift my head to look her dead in her eyes. Habitually, I reach under my desk with both hands, pretending to hold my stomach, but I'm actually grabbing fist fulls of the softest hair in the world and force Regina's face to press impossibly close tp my vagina.

"I think-I-I got my period or something. I'm fine, you can go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Please Mary don't worry, I'll call later when I get home I promise."

Mary eyes me again suspiciously. She doesn't believe a damn word that's coming out of my mouth and she shouldn't. I'm left with no choice but to beg her with my eyes. She eventually caves and leaves the room. The minute the door closed, my body completely crashes and I moan out Regina's name over and over again.

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