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~Regina's POV~

I have to admit that yesterday was a great day overall. After I left, I had my cigarette and went home in a good mood. Emma makes me feel good and she certainly makes feel feelings that I've never felt be for. And don't get me started on the way she tastes. That whole scene in her classroom was so hot. Even when Ms. Blanchard walked in there, I felt a rush.

Speaking of! That stupid bitch got me in trouble! She's already a problem and it's not like I started anything with her either, she's just making herself a problem. When Emma called and cursed me out last night that just pretty much confirmed it. The question is: what am i going to do about it? The woman is obviously trying to drive a wedge between us and I damn sure won't let that happen. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to drag her into an ally and beat her ass.

Because of Mary, I've been on edge. After Emma called we talked for a little bit and it was great just talking on the phone with her for most of the night. Still, knowing that I am in trouble kept bothering me. There's so many things that Emma could possibly do to me and not knowing exactly what she would do was driving me nuts. At the same time I was plotting al the ways to get back at her bestfriend. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do yet but I do know that it's going to take a lot for me to not kick her ass in class today in front of everyone.

Today, I got to school a little early. I know, weird right? I'm always on the verge of being late but I thought coming here and talking to the girls would ease my mind a bit. We're all surrounded at Tink's locker and they're talking about something? I have no idea what. That's until the subject was changed towards me.

"Look at you! You're all cute!" Tiana teases.

I casually glance down at my outfit and shrivel i to myself. I do feel somewhere exposed because this style is a complete 180 from what I normally wear. I went from wearing jean/leather jackets, skinny jeans, and ankle boots to a skirt stopping mid thigh, with a long sleeve v-neck, and a pair of vans. I still have black going on though because black is my color. My shoes and skirt is black while my shirt is white. My mother actually nagged me about my lack of color this morning and to think I actually straightened my hair this morning to avoid that nagging. Nothing ever pleases that damn woman.

"Cute? More like hot," Ruby compliments, casually twirling my hair around her fingers.

"You're hair looks so soft too!" Tink beams. "Is your mom going to let you cut it?"

I shake my head and roll my eyes. My hair stops at my waist. It's absolutely annoying! I've been begging my mom for years to let me cut it at my shoulders and she forbids it. I have no idea why. Her hair isn't even this long so I just don't get it.

I swat away the subject and inform, "I gave up on that a long time ago."

"I don't blame you." Kat mumbles with pity. "Cora is so hard on you all the damn time. I would've lost my mind already."

"Yeah," I trail as I notice Ruby staring past me and she drops my hair from her grip randomly. I turn to my right to see what she's looking at. I should've known. It's none other than my girlfriend walking down the hall in all her tomboyish glory.

"Hey Ms. Swan!" Tiana waves happily. God she's such a kiss ass!

My body habitually tenses when Emma looks up from her phone to lock eyes my group, preferably me. She stops at us and checks me out but it's so quick that the girls probably didn't even notice.

"Wassup?" She greets cooly.

"No wonder everyone likes you." Kat smirks.

"Yeah, Tiana talks about you all the time." Tink teases. The two doesn't have Emma as a teacher so they've never met her before.

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