the part where a family is torn (and a new one is born)

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Ben checked his watch as he walked back into the house. It read, 11:21 PM. He sighed. His heart hurt in his chest, but he knows his choice is right. He had to make do for himself from here on out. And he wanted to do that with the family he's found.

It doesn't make it any easier though.

He found Miranda talking to Angela. "Miranda, can you get Tuck and Joey? We need to go."

She faced him and frowned. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Ben suddenly found himself pulling her into a deep and sensual kiss. "I'm good. Now, get the boys, we're leaving."

Miranda blinked, still shocked from the kiss she was just given. "O-okay. Tell me what happened."

"I'll tell you in the car."

She nodded, and squeezed his hand in concern. They stared at each other, trying to discern what the other was feeling. Miranda caressed his knuckles, comforting him. She kissed his chin, and smiled softly before going upstairs.

Angela, who, up until that point had been watching their interaction, spoke up. "You're leaving, Benjie? The ball hasn't even dropped yet."

Ben sighed. "Joey found out he's adopted. Via mom. And she insulted Miranda, she told her to leave me." He shook his head, watching as Angela's forehead wrinkled. "I just can't welcome the new year when I'm in the same house as her. I... I can't."

"Benjamin Warren!" Abigail's voice rose above all others, and he winced.

He turned around to see his mother fuming. "Are you really choosing her and that kid over your family?"

"I told you, they are my family," he said between gritted teeth. He looked around, seeing the rest of his relatives looking on. "And I won't tolerate you bringing them down."

Angela stepped in front of him. "Mom, let him go. Let him have his space. You crossed the line, you know that."

Abigail scoffed. "I did no such thing. That woman he brought is nothing but trouble. She is divorced! Who's to say she won't do that to him? I am looking out for my son." She pointed to Ben. "My ungrateful son."

Ben sighed again. He didn't want to do this. He checked his watch again. 11:32. "I don't have time for this."

He headed upstairs, and he saw Miranda just standing on the stairwell. They looked at each other. He could see the hesitancy in her eyes. Damn it, she must've heard what his mother said.

"Dad, where are we going?" Tuck asked.

Ben's heart warmed when he called him that. He'd been doing it for the past few days, but everytime, his heart felt full. "Just... somewhere. Where do you guys want to go?"

Tuck shrugged. "I wanna see the fireworks." He looked at his brother.

"Home? I'm tired." Joey offered.

Miranda chuckled. "It's not yet midnight, Joey."

He pouted. "But I'm tired."

"You can sleep in the car, okay?" Ben said.

Joey nodded. He grabbed Tuck's hand, and they went down the stairs together with Miranda. Ben was right behind them.

When they headed downstairs, Abigail was nowhere to be found. Ben felt his heart squeeze in pain, but as he looked at his family, he smiled.

They said their goodbyes to Angela and Curt, and the rest of their relatives. It's obvious they heard and know what's up, but they acted like they didn't. Ben was thankful for that.

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