Chapter 1:

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Since I was four years old, I have been watching my mom with her husbands. Ms. Rocky Sadler, and her four husbands Jace, Reed, Cade, and Beck. Of course, they are all my father's, by my biological dad is Cade, my name being Sarah Clemens Sadler. I had been watching her, hoping to have my own family like this someday, but now being twenty-two I am more envious than ever. My mom was twenty-four when she met my dad's, but I want that life now. 

I want to be able to come home every day from work and be surrounded by the lights of my life, my husbands. I don't want as many kids as her, but I want to have a polyandrous relationship life. I have dated many guys, hoping that they would want to become part of a group of husbands, but were only willing to be in a relationship with multiple people if they were women. I even tried it once, but with my possessive attitude, and the fact that I'm not into girls...I couldn't get into it.

I have fought with my mother multiple times. Envy fills me and I burst, and I hurt her. I never mean to. But jealousy creates a wave of anger in me that I can barely control. And so, because I can longer be kind to everyone in the house because of my jealousy, today is the day I'm leaving. I'm finally getting out of town and going out to try and find this life for myself. 

I'm going to come back and visit my family, they mean everything to me, but I also want to create my own. My mother, being the wonderful woman she is, understands my need to go see the world and live my life. My fathers are more reluctant to let me go, but because they are so wrapped around my mother's finger, they will follow what she believes and says. 

That's one thing I admire most about her. With each of my father's own unique quirks and tendencies, she's still able, after many years of being with them, able to calm them down.

I want to be able to do that for someone else.


"You know that I hate when you call me that Daxton."

My older brother (by two years) pops his head into the doorway, sticking his tongue out at me. I comedically lunge for him, and he darts down the hallway, his two-year-old child Teddy hot on his heels. He got married to only one woman named Rebecca when he was eighteen. Yeah, young, but they are the two most happy people in the world. At the darling sight, and the giggling of the kid, my heartaches. 

I shake my head back and forth, brushing the feeling away. I finish putting my most needed items at the top of my backpack before I hear two pairs of feet coming into the room I've shared with my sister for a long time. That was before she went to college, but now when she comes back to visit, it'll be all hers. Unless one of my brothers takes it over - which I don't doubt will happen. 

I turn around to see Reed and Beck standing there with tears in their eyes.

"Oh, come on. Don't start."

"My darling."

I roll my eyes as Beck takes me into his arms, squeezing the living daylights out of me. I huff, but throw my arms around him, and give him a tight bear hug back. My dad couldn't even look at me this morning at breakfast he was so sad. My mother, however, is excited for me. More excited than I think she should be. I know she has the best of intentions though, and it's also really nice to have her on my side even after many trials and tribulations in our relationship. 

When Beck is done hugging me, Reed takes a turn but he's less emotional about the whole thing. The irony of the situation is that I remember my mom telling me that at one point, that was a slightly different scenario. 

We finally pull away, and they each take one of my bags in their hands, letting me carry my backpack. Jace tosses the keys to our most run-down truck to me, but my brother Heath rushes past, shouting 'interception!'

He couldn't be a football star even if he tried.

"Don't tell me you're really doing it."

"Dad, I'm going."

"But you could stay here and live with us. There's no reason for you to go."

"If there was no reason, I wouldn't be even thinking about it. Look, you, mom, Beck, Reed, Jace. You have built a life I dream to have one day. I've tried, but I'm not going to find it here. I can't keep trying the same thing over hoping to get different results."

He nods his head in slight understanding, but I know that he's having a hard time. Right as Reed and Beck come back into the house, I'm swept up in a four father hug. I squeal in delight at their affections before we all break apart. 

I wave to them and find my mom leaning up against the side of the truck like the bad bitch she is. Without a word, she presses a kiss to my cheek, nodding her head, and joining my fathers on the porch. Another thing I love about my mom. She knows when it's best not to say anything. 

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