Chapter 1

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'Y/N, wake up.'

It took me a while to realize that it wasn't a dream and someone was actually calling my name. Slowly opening my eyes with the energy I had left in me, I woke up in an alley with Diego kneeling right next to me.

Feeling a painful headache shooting through my skull, I squeezed my temples. 'What? What's happening?'

'You were unconscious for a bit.' Diego helped me sit up, 'Five didn't tell us we were supposed to prepare for a dangerous landing.'

All the memories from before suddenly hit me; the apocalypse, our sister Vanya discovering her powers, Cha Cha, Hazel and everything that happened that led us to this moment. Remembering everything made me realize something was missing.

'Where is everybody?' I quickly stood up, turning around every corner as I looked for the rest of our family.

'I don't know- When I got here, it was just us.'

Five always mentioned that time traveling was complicated. It scared me that we were in an unfamiliar alley without the rest of our siblings. Did Five just drop me and Diego off and went elsewhere?

'This is Luther's fault, it's all his fault.' I groaned, panicking about being lost in a middle of an alley where we had no clue where we were. Also angry about how he handled the situation with Vanya, my mind was all over the place.

'It's not just his fault, we took part in it too.'

Raising my eyebrows, I looked over at Diego with a surprised look on my face. 'Wow, did Five take us to a whole different dimension because I swear I just heard you defending Luther.'

'Har har Y/N. You are a comedic genius.' Diego rolled his eyes, 'But I'm serious. Since when did we ever try to build a relationship with Vanya?'

'Uhm I did. While you were too busy looking for Cha Cha and Hazel, Allison and I've been trying to hang out with her more.'

'Ah great. So while I did the busy work, you were chilling and doing nothing. Good to hear.'

'Well, all the busy work didn't matter because Vanya was the bomb this whole time.' I smiled sarcastically, 'Maybe you should've came with us and hung out with Vanya too.'

Diego took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at me with intensity. 'We can't do this 'what if' bull crap. Maybe when we found the file on Jenkins, you could've joined Allison and maybe she wouldn't have had her throat cut off.'

'You know I already feel terrible about that.' Ever since Luther, Diego, Klaus and I drove down to the Jenkins cabin and found Allison lying in a puddle of blood, I couldn't stop thinking about it. 'I thought that you'd needed my help more in jail after you got arrested for Eudora's murder. I was genuinely scared for you.'

'I know, I know.' Diego nodded slowly and walked up to me. 'That's what I mean by not doing the whole 'what if' stuff. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset.'

'No, I'm okay. I thought Allison wouldn't need my help and I just care about you a lot.' I gave half a smile, reassuring him that I wasn't mad about what he had just said.

If I knew that Allison and Vanya seeing each other would turn into an altercation, I would've chose to go with my sister. At the time it looked like Diego needed my help more and I had to stick with him to figure out how to get him out of there.

Maybe it was also the fact that I cared about Diego a lot. We've always had each other's backs since we were little kids and at the time of his arrest, he needed me. I couldn't have him behind bars for something he didn't do.

'Thank you for coming with me, Y/N. I just wish it was a different outcome.' Diego sighed. 'To be fair, if it wasn't for you shifting into a cop to get me out of jail I probably would've died in that apacolypse.'

I smiled as I was happy that Diego appreciated my use of power. 'You know I can't leave without you, Diego.'

Diego eyed me, smiling back and taking a step towards me. He licked his lips, slowly grabbing onto my hand.

'You know I actually stayed with you, for you right? I mean I did think Allison didn't need my help with Vanya bu-'

'I know, Y/N.' He acknowledged my feelings towards him, which everyone knew that I had. 'I'm glad you were with me and it's not only because you helped me out.'

We've always had moments like this where we stared at each other, giving one another cute grins hoping that one of us would make the first move.

Throughout the years, we've both dated different people but in the end we cared too much about each other to let it go. It was perhaps the timing that was bad; maybe this time was the perfect time.

And I think Diego knew as well.

He grabbed onto my hip and pulled me in, slowly leaning in without another word. It was so direct but we've been waiting for so long, there was no more time to waste.

Following his lead, I also leaned in to meet him half way. As I began to close my eyes, something stopped me.

Diego and I both paused, quickly looking each other in the eyes with furrowed eyebrows. 'Uhm, what the fuck was that?'

I knew we were both thinking the same thing as our reaction was the same; some weird noise that came by the dumpster that was in the middle of the alley.

'You want to go check what it is?' I pointed to the direction the noise was coming from.

'I am not going near that dumpster! It can be some weird animal we've never seen.' Diego hid behind me, pushing me towards the noise. 'At least with you, you can shape shift into that animal to blend in.'

'Ugh don't use my powers to excuse yourself from this.' I rolled my eyes, 'But since I'm the braver one I'll go.'

Diego slapped me playfully on my shoulders, 'All I'm saying is that you have an advantage. Nothing to do with bravery.'

I shook my head, ignoring Diego and slowly stepping closer to the noise. Finally getting there, I peeked to see if it was anything harmless.

'What is it Y/N!?'

Tilting my head, I was confused on what I witnessed. As I reached for it, Diego winced. 'W-why are you picking it up!?'

'Don't worry.' I chuckled, carrying it and admiring how adorable it was. 'It's a cute wittle baby.'

Diego scratched his head, 'Why is there a baby behind the dumpster?'

'Just seems like no one wanted it. Poor baby, we should take care of it.' I started patting the baby lightly, 'Diego, check if the baby is a boy or a girl.'

'What!? I don't want to check!' He backed off, as if he was disgusted by it. 'I am not down to play house with this baby. What we need to do is find Five or anyone for that matter so we can go back home.'

I nodded, 'I agree with you but until then we need to find this baby a home.'

Diego looked at the baby, slowly smiled as the baby grinned and giggled. By the way Diego was staring at the baby, I knew that he was slowly giving in.

'Isn't he irresistible!?' I played with his chubby cheeks, making him laugh.

'How do you know it's a he?'

'I don't but whoever is going to change his diaper first will.' I smiled innocently as Diego shook his head. 'Just a guess.'

Diego facepalmed, 'Changing diapers?! How are we going to go from trying to save the world to taking care of a baby?'

'Fine! I'll change his first diaper, can we just please take care of him as we find our siblings?'

He looked at me, then the baby. 'Ugh how can I resist the cute baby face?'

'You're talking about me?' I said sweetly.

'Aha you wish, Y/N.' Diego joked, 'Now come on. Let's see what this place has to offer us.'

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