Chapter 4

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Licking my lips, I stared at The Handler with curious eyes. It scared me that this woman that I only knew through Five knew my name, and wanted to make some kind of deal with me.

Five told us stories about how shady this woman can be and knowing how smart our genius brother was, I trusted everything that he said.

Being very hesitant of hearing her out, I became cautious. 'What do you want from me?'

'Nothing really, well nothing that is yours.' The Handler inhaled the smoke from the cigar, smirking at me as if she was plotting something against me. The look in her eyes already made me not trust her.

It probably had been about two minutes that we just looked into each other eyes; The Handler was watching me think, seemed as if she was trying to play mind games with me.

As she exhaled the smoke back out, she chuckled lightly. 'What are you thinking something so deeply for? I'll give you something in exchange of course.'

'You should've led with that, honestly.' I sighed, the stress somewhat was relieved from hearing that. 'What are you giving me?'

'The briefcase. I know you and your family are trying to go back to your timeline.'

I shook my head and started laughing, 'You're kidding me right? Surely someone evil like you wouldn't pass me something that is as important as the briefcase. You're bluffing.'

'Evil? Is that what Five says about me? I'm a little hurt.' The Handler rolled her eyes, 'Trust me. What I want from you is as valuable as the stupid briefcase.'

'If it's stupid why don't you just let us go back to our own time? You out of all people know we don't belong here.'

'Don't you want to earn the briefcase?'

'No. I prefer to have it for free especially because I don't know what the hell you want from me.'

The Handler smiled at me, 'I want her.'

'Who? Allison and Vanya is coming home with us, are you crazy?'

'I don't want your siblings. Five was a pain in the ass, I can't imagine having you guys at the commission. I want that kid of yours.'

My heart dropped immediately, I didn't know whether to cry or get angry. 'W-what do you want with Bel?'

'You give her to me, I'll give you the briefcase. I think it's a win-win situation for you if you ask me. You don't have to babysit someone's kid anymore.'

'What makes you think I'll hand her to you so easily for a fucking briefcase?'

'You have Five as a brother, I know you will. And like you said, you all don't belong to this timeline.'

I loved Bel as if she was my daughter, we've spent time together for nearly three years. Diego and I basically raised her, she even called us mom and dad. Why was it that all of the sudden this woman wanted her? No one tried to take her back three years ago, she was my daughter and I would never let her go.

'What do you want with her?!' I screamed out loud, tears slowly falling down my eyes. I didn't mean to yell at The Handler but I couldn't help myself. I didn't trust this woman one single bit and knowing that she was after Bel scared me.

The door to the salon opened, revealing Diego that had a worried look on his face. 'Everything okay here?'

I turned the other way, hiding my face from Diego. The last thing I wanted was for him to see me cry and worry about this. 'I'm fine, Diego.'

'Who are you?' Diego asked The Handler.

She replied with just a hum, ignoring his question. 'Y/N, think about it.'

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