Chapter 2

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'You did awesome today! See you next week buddy!' I high-fived my student, then waved goodbye to him as he ran off to his mother. It was days like this when I was okay with my life after getting sent to the 60s, when I see the smile on the children's faces.

After discussing with Diego on how to live our lives while we wait for our siblings, I had a plan on how to make money for us and the baby. Using our powers and our previous training to our advantage, we decided to run a small Karate gym.

The first few months, we lived in the abandoned tv shop we found a few blocks away from the alley we were dropped into. Once our money started settling in after teaching a few kids, we got a small apartment and eventually turned the abandoned shop into a Karate Dojo.

Diego and I used to take turns teaching, while one was at the dojo the other would watch the baby at home. Eventually, I got used to running the dojo myself and Diego became really attached to the baby that he decided to be a stay home dad.

After cleaning the gym, I grabbed a few groceries before heading towards our apartment. As I opened the door, I saw our cute baby turning her head and grinning widely as she saw my face. 'Mama!'

'Hey baby!' I walked over to her and picked her up, kissing on her cheek multiple times. 'Were you good for dad today?'

'Yess!' She giggled, wrapping her small arms around me for a hug.

'Ah no Bel. Don't lie to your mom like that.' Diego said without turning around, concentrated on cooking our dinner for the night. 'I didn't forget the temper tantrum you pulled before nap time.'

Belinda widened her eyes, as if she got caught. She then buried her head into my chest. 'No.'

'Just remember one more strike and no park tomorrow.' Diego flashed a sarcastic smile at her as he brought our plates to the table.

I softly laugh, seeing how adorable Diego and Bel's relationship had become. It was crazy to think that he used to be so opposed to taking care of her. He now loved her so much just as if she was his own daughter, Diego would never let anything happen to her.

Setting Bel down in the high chair, I put the grocery bag on the counter to place all our food into the fridge. Diego turned around, 'Just leave it there. Come eat.'

'It's just a few things, besides I might forget later on.'

Diego got up, wrapped his arms around me from behind as he rested his head on my shoulder. 'Food is going to get cold.'

'You know the last time you did that, we end up missing dinner?' I chuckled, 'And Bel is sitting right there.'

'Ah, I can control myself missy.' Diego squeezed me tightly. 'Maybe.'

'Let's eat mama!' Bell yelled and laughed from behind us.

Diego smiled as he kissed my cheek. 'See? When I hear her voice it's back to reality.'

Playfully rolling my eyes, I finish putting everything away from my grocery bag. 'And if she was asleep, it'll be a different story.'

'Hmm, I guess you'll never know.' We both sat at our seats, watching Bel already finishing half of her spaghetti in her bowl.

'Dad makes good spaghetti huh? Better than mom's.' Diego grinned widely before taking a big first bite.

The three of us laughed and cheered, sharing the events that happened today while we finish our food. If I would've guessed what would've happened after Five saved us from the apacolypse, this would have never crossed my mind.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss my family. Everyday I wouldn't go to sleep without my siblings crossing my mind. It was really nice though, to have a family of our own without thinking about the apocalypse or having to deal with our powers and the bad guys.

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