Chapter 25

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The blast sent a shockwave through him. He lay on the ground, torn up and bleeding. He heard sirens. But the only thing that ran through his head was what he heard just before the explosion. Doumeki .. I love you. He didn't imagine it. And it warmed his heart even as his body was wracked with pain. "I  . . . love you . . . too." He passed out.


Watanuki heard voices shouting, looking in vain for him. He ran down the tunnel and came out on the side of the road near the shrine. From here he knew how to get home. But he had to go back; he could not leave Rini. Or Kohane, despite what she had done. She was his friend, and he felt somehow responsible.

Watanuki came out the tunnel and said, "Here I am." The astounded animals seized his arms and pulled him out of the forest. "We found him, your Majesty!"

Kohane looked like a little girl in too-big dress up clothes, her fox mask in her hand, and her hair tousled.

"Kohane. I'm sorry for upsetting you. Would you tell me what I did?"

"All I wanted was for him to look at me like he looked at you."

Watanuki felt his heart clench.

"Did you know the things he said to me? That we would have children just to keep you company. Because you're not fully human, you know that. But now, with this little stunt you pulled, you'll never see Yuuko again. You would have been happy here. I would have given her to you after the wedding."

"Kohane, I'm sorry. I didn't see that you were hurting and I wish I could take all of that back."

"You can. I have my life with Shizuka; a child and everything. It's parallel to this life. It's not too late."

"But Yuuko is gone. I realize that now."

"A golem I made. She's as good as the real thing. Please, It's not too late. I love him."

"Kohane, stop. Come with me. We can get you help."

She shook her head. "I like it here. I've carved out a little niche for myself. It's good to be queen."

Watanuki considered letting her stay. But he saw the bloody pelt on the ground, saw the stocks and chains, and the sadness in the animals' eyes.


"You can't stop me. I still have the mirror."

Watanuki had to play his last card. He held up the lamp and waved his hand around it and muttered an incantation. A black miasma began to spill out of the spout.

"No!" she screamed, lunging for the toy lamp.

He spun around, so it was out of her reach. He felt her hands clawing his kimono.

It was horrible, the smell, the choking smoke. He couldn't see, couldn't breathe. But he hung on. Rays of light shot out of the lamp.

"Give it to me!" Kohane screamed: I'm sorry for what I did, but give it to me, PLEASE!"

The mirror materialized in the midst of the miasma. It fell to the ground, just a household object now, drained of its power.


The earth shook with the shockwave as a portal opened and some blue- robed sorcerers stepped out.

"Watanuki Reed. We meet at last. We are magicians of the Clow Clan, and we have watched you grow up. It's time you learned of your birthright: your father was Clow Reed and Yuuko Ichihara was your mother."

"M-My mother ?!?!?!?"

"His mother???" said Kohane.

"You are more than worthy of the truth. We waited too long to interfere, by the time we tried it was too late. This witch blocked us. She is far too powerful to be free. We will imprison her in another dimension so she cannot hurt anyone else."

With the mirror destroyed, Kohane did not resist. Chains made of light wrapped around her.

"Wait! There must be another way. Please." Watanuki begged.

"We can transport you to the shop." A man raised his arm.

"No, stop," said Kohane. "I don't want Shizuka to see me like this."

Watanuki's heart broke for her. "All right." He sat by the shrine and said to the air, "I need you. I need you all."

The sky was full of wings and motion as all of Watanuki's nature spirit friends came to his aid. There was the Pipe Fox, the Ame-Warashi, Zashiki-Warashi, the Karasu Tengu Guardians. Everyone was there. "Mina-san, thank you."

"We will take care of her, said the Zashiki-Warashi. We will take her far away and maybe we can find the sweet girl she used to be."

"And payment? I can never repay you."

"Just follow your heart." With a flash, they were gone.


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