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[Highschool Au]

*In the Auditorium*

Vice Principal: "Alright school Homecoming is in 2 weeks Make sure to plan Ahead of time, i will also need some students to help with decorating."

Eleanor & Theodore: "We can help!"
*Other students Volunteer*
Ellie & theo *Walks to the Vice princible*

Theo: "We can help with decorations and snacks
Vice Princible: "Thats great Eleanor and Theodore.


Brittany: "Im Getting a dress its based off of Beyonce's when she wore it at the golden Globes."

Charlene: "Well my dress is gonna be red a glittery red dress."

Brittany: *Rolls eyes* "Do you wear anything other then red?"

Charlene: *A little insulted* "Of course i do red is just my color."

Brittany: "Simon is gonna wear this blue tuxedo im having specially made for him. *Sighs and blushes* "Hes gonna look so Handsome."

*Theodore & Eleanor Walks back to the bleachers and sits down*

Eleanor: "Jeanette did you figure out what you're gonna wear to Homecoming?"

Jeanette: "U-um N-no." *Says Nervously*

Brittany: "Jeanette homecoming is in 2 weeks!

Jeanette: "I-i Know but i-i have been focused More on School ,Besides school is more important to me then Homecoming."

Brittany: "But Jeanette its a once in a lifetime Opportunity School can wait!"

Jeanette: "Yea but-"

Alvin: *Skateboards into the Gym and sits on the Bleachers*

Eleanor: "Hey Alvin!"

Alvin: "Sup Ellie."

Eleanor: "Did ya hear about homecoming?"

Alvin: "Of course i did i have my outfit already planned out."

Brittany: *Sighs and roles eyes* "Let me guess ripped jeans and Hopefully a shirt."

Alvin: "Uh no , Im wearing ripped jeans and a hawaiian style shirt to keep things more formal."

*Charlene & Brittany roll their eyes*

Theodore: "Wheres simon?"

Alvin: "Simon is still in science class and Tanya is still in band."

Becca: *Takes a pic of the chipmunks and chipettes*

Becca: "Hey! "You guys excited for homecoming."

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