_Pregame SimpHara_

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I really hate this one but i thought i should post something...

Naroration : Shuichi and Kokichi were walking home from school and rantaro decided he would tag along.

(No ones POV)

Saihara you don't have to carry my bag... - Kokichi

Oh its ok!!!! I really don't mind!-Shuichi

Your such a simp Saihara.. - Rantaro

Shut up avacado im just being a gentleman - Shuichi said as he stuck his tounge out at him

 Simphara...-??? muttered

They turned around to see Kaede there

Oh hey Akamatsu-San - Kokichi

Call me Kaede - She said

Kokichi nodded 

Damn all i wanted was alone time with Kicchi >;(..- Shuichi thought

They arrive at the train 

Damn it looks full we should wait for the next one-Rantaro

They nod in agreement 

The next train is in 4 hours- kokichi 

The train already left- Shuichi

 Damnit-- kaede

Its ok we can do other stuff while we wait!- Kokichi said

Like homework. - Rantaro suggested

Boring..-kaede and shuichi agreed

Time skip The next train is there And they get in

Dang its already 8.. - Rantaro

Mhm... - Kokichi\

Good thing we all live close..- Kaede\

...Mhm......- Kokichi

Hey koki- 

Shuichi was interupted by Kokichi falling asleep and his head falling onto Shuichis shoulder.

Shuichi wrapped his arms around kokichi

Kaede and Rantaro gave shuichi a stare....

What..? - Shuichi

You too look like your dating- Rantaro

Yea...- Kaede

shut up.... - Shuichi


The train stopped

This is our stop, Wake up Kokichi - Rantaro

Shuichi looked down at Kokichi

No. - Shuichi

Ill carry him - Shuichi

Ok, have fun carring him, your bag and his bag then- Kaede said

He did it he carried him and there stuff all the way home, well not all the way.. A third of the way kokichi woke up and got off his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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