Technoblade X Alien!Reader P.1

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Art by: @cyticalis on Twitter
Request: Yep :3

Enjoy!——— So you know everything about the Nether and End right? Oh and End Cities right? Well in those End Cities there's a little population of what people call 'Aliens'

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So you know everything about the Nether and End right? Oh and End Cities right? Well in those End Cities there's a little population of what people call 'Aliens'. Some say there extinct some say there still being hunt down or some flat out just say that there just myths.
1 out 3 of those things I said are true, the truth is they are still out there but hiding and being hunted. Then get locked up for whatever humans want to do to them.
But there's certain Aliens that are more valuable then normal Aliens. Haftlings especially, Alien-Endermen haftlings.
As you might understand to this point how I know all this information is that I am one of those haftlings.
Alien-Endermen to be precise.
I have little antlers that are are black to purple on my head and tail sticking out from my lower back that has the same gradient.
My ears are pointier then the usual human are.
From the point of my ears, feet to my nées, hands to my elbows, lower face to my neck and neck to my chest all have a purple gradient that mixes with my skin colour.
But the worst thing about my unusual body features are my eyes. They are normal don't get me wrong it's just that they glow very brightly.
Reasons why I wear a bandanna, if you don't want to get trapped in a tiny box all day goda find every way or tactic you can get to not get caught. Even if it means your haft blind.
But even how hard you try you can get caught, like I did.
You must be saying oh! Let's just teleport are way out of here! No you can't for two reasons.
One:there's a magic barrier Two: I can't.
I didn't get that gene from my dad I only got Telekinesis, I can pick up any object in mid air and any block, even Bedrock is I wanted to!
But I can use the magic I got from my mom's genes to good use to get out of here.
Shape Shifting and Mind Reading.
Though to that there's negatives, like always.
Shape Shifting's negatives are that you only look like the person, can't speak like them.
Oh yeah! Right I can only Shape Shift into people not animals.
And Mind Reading well it's only very energy draining.
So that all you really need to know for now.
Good luck! Don't get caught.
"Hey freak get up!"
Great guards.
"It's recess time!"
Recess, the only time you you get to relax off of prison work they give you. Like mine, I have to collect End Rods every day for maybe 8 hours straight without break.
Simple task? Nope, guards like to make it hell by shooting arrows at you to knock you off.
There's two ways to get the task done.
One: get shot at multiple times not giving a fuck about getting hurt and finishing the task quicker.
Or Two: not getting shot at and being conscious about wear you take your step and finishing the task 10X slower.
I'll be honest I used to be in the section that did it the second way, but now I don't care.
Oh as well can I just say that Shulkers suck.
Though I did get a Shulker Box once and got away with it.
That was a good day.
But we are getting off topic, Recess.
Gods holy creation, without it I would've lost my sanity.
But it isn't recess that kept my sanity it's the place I'd go during recess.
The library.
I know boring, but no it's educational. I've learned a lot about the world I actually live in.
I learned that The End isn't the only place in the univers.
There's three places The End, The Nether and The Over World.
Though I don't know how to get to any of those places.
But the best thing I've learned about in those books is about a certain Ender tree that grows a product called a Chorus Fruit and my way out of here.
But the main issue here is how the hell am I going to get one?
I know that certain Aliens here actually pick them as a task but they are highly supervised.
Like you can feel the guards breath on the side of your neck to how closely they are staring at you.
Only reason why I know this is that mine and the Chorus Fruit task are the only ones outside of the dungeon.
But I already have an idea for how to get one but it's risky very risky.
Even though Chorus Fruit are usually used for there teleportation purposes, they are still fruit and certain fruit is used for dye and I've seen the guards eat Chorus Fruit for fun and it stains. Meaning it's a fruit that can make purple dye.
If during recess I could say that there's a fight going on I'll have enough time to Shape Shift as a guard go to the Art room's back room get a few Chorus Fruits and teleport my ass out of here!
Though which guard? Zavier! Zavier is mute! I wouldn't need to talk!
The next day. 9:30 am [1 Recess]
"An Alien told me to tell you that there's a fight going on in the court ward."
"The short curly coral haired girl."
"Thank you for informing."
"No say thank you to the girl."
The guard ran off but I wasn't lying there was a fight but I didn't start it.
I traded my Shulker Box in exchange for an Alien guy to start a fight and to make it last awhile.
Like that I can get my work done and to my liking the art room and court ward are on the complete opposite sides of the prison.
As I enter the room I saw two guards making out Zavier and Kalvin.
They were both the kindest prison guards, they both thought I was stupid that they lock us up.
I really hope life threats them well.
When they were both obviously distracted I tip toed to the storage and found the glorious fruit and a tone. 47 to be exact.
Now the part that could ruin my plan intirally.
Chorus Fruit teleports you wear ever, it's not like an Enderpearl wear you have complete control over wear your going.
If You get teleported to the wrong place I can't just eat again because one I can get full. Two I might go even more into the wrong place. Three I might get caught by the two lovers making out.
This is so risky but I'm done with being stuck here.
I munched down on to the surprisingly sour fruit , and felt my body being moved.
I was outside. I was outside!
Why am I wasting time celebrating I need to run!
So I did , I ran as fast as I could and hid as best as I could.
I still don't wanna get caught.
As I was running I found enderpearls.
Finally! The portal!
Here go's nothing.
This feels like the Chorus Fruit but worst like I'm going to puke.
Jeez it's so bright.
And cold.
And o-ow! Ow! Ow ow ow!
What the hell is this thing falling from the sky?!
I need shelter!
There's a house!
God I hope the person doesn't mind.
I ran in the house finally taking a breath.
"Who are you?"
I turn around to see a white and black face.
And a bubble gum pink face with a pig mask finding the upper haft of his face.
"A-ah mmmm I-I."
"Hey are you ok? It looks like you've seen a ghost."
"What's that stuff outside falling from the sky?"
"You mean rain?"
"What's rain?"
"You don't know what rain is?"
"Where are you from?"
"The End."
-Yuri Shu ☁️✨

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