A U T H O R S • N O T E

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hello amazing readers,

i am so so very grateful for you all for reading this story


so, in honor of this and per request of many people since this book was fully published and even a few before, i am happy to announce that i have started the long overdue book 2!

no, it will not have Stella in it, only references to her because how could I not have even a little bit of my precious bean

book 2 is going to be set in avengers 1 and will be a Steve x oc

currently I have three chapters written and an introduction/cast list/playlist

i am writing this little note to ask how y'all would like me to publish it?

would you like slow updates or would you like me to write everything and post it all at once?

i will let you guys decide because i want you all to be happy and to enjoy my slow series of marvel books because I enjoy writing them and getting feed back from you all

again, thank you all for reading Rogers Twins, it means so much to me you have no idea

until next time ♡︎

- kurger_bing


The first few chapters of Flare are posted!



i posted the first 35 chapters to my Sirius Black marauders era fic if y'all are interested.


ROGERS TWINS   •   b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now