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Stella woke up gasping for air. She coughed up water that she didn't remember taking in before she looked around and saw her brother laying lifeless next to the captain's chair. She weakly crawled over to him, desperately trying to find a pulse. She let out a frustrated scream before breaking out into sobs and screaming at no one in particular.

"It was supposed to be me!" She yelled, "it was supposed to be me, why couldn't it be me?" The blonde sobbed, bringing her legs up to her chest and burying her face in her knees. The girl screamed and yelled and cried for what felt like eternity before she wiped her eyes and nose. She stood up, her legs wobbling from not being used. Stella carefully sat in the captain's chair of the Valkyrie and tried to tune the radio her brother had previously used to communicate with Agent Peggy Carter through.

The girl only found one channel that wasn't full of static. She began to get hopeful that she hadn't been out for too long. Maybe Peggy or the boys are still there, she thought. Without hesitation Stella started talking.

"H-hello? This is Stella Rogers with the United States Army. Can anyone hear me?" She asked only to be faced with silence, "this is Stella Rogers, does anyone hear me?" she repeated, "hello?" She asked, her voice cracking as she was starting to tear up again, knowing that she was going to die surrounded by HYDRA technology next to her dead brother.

Stella heard voices in the distance, her head immediately shooting up. She sniffled before wiping her tears for the second time in the last two hours. She stood up and walked to the door leading out of the cockpit. Stella made her way out of the plane and saw people running to the crash site. She started waving her arms and ran to the people hoping they could help her get home. Upon approaching the men, Stella regreted her decision of not being armed. One of the two men took his gun and hit her over the head with it, rendering her unconscious. The two men picked the girl up and brought her to the small plane they arrived in, bringing her to her new home.



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ROGERS TWINS   •   b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now