Chapter 13

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Luke's P.O.V

I left the house and the first place I thought of going was Ashley's house. Jai probably didn't even think to go there.

I knocked on the door and Ashley answered

''Oh hi Luke! What are you doing here?" She said

"Listen something happened between Jai and Kayln so she ran off and now he can't find her, is she here of have you received any messages from her?" I explained

"No I haven't! Do you want me to help find her? And if that kid has done something to hurt her i will murder him! shes been thru enough! she doesn't need more shit on her plate!"

"Yes please that would be great! And i don't know what happened jai wont tell me!"I said

"Ok let me just get a jumper and my phone!" She said walking back inside and I just stood there

She walked out and we went to the closest park we were looking around everywhere but there was no sign of Kayln anywhere!

"Oi Luke I just remembered!" Ashley yelled out to me

"What!? What is it!?" I asked

"One day me and Kayln were walking to her grandmas house so she could see faith, her niece" she said then paused

"Yea I know who faith is... And what has this got to do with anything!?" I asked

"Let me finish!! Ok so we took this shortcut and you go under this bridge and through all this bush land and I said 'wow this is such a cool place we should come here more!' Then she turned to me and said 'one day I just want to come here to escape, wether its just for a day or a few days, I would just love to escape some place no one will find me.'" She explained

"Do you know how to get there!?" I asked

"Yea but its a big place there are so many places to hide! But there was this one part she loved the most so we should check there first!"

"Ok what are you waiting for? Lets go!" I said

We both started half running half speed walking. We got to the bridge and she wasn't under there so we kept looking. Ashley led me through all the bushes to the place Kayln loved. It was a pretty good hiding spot! If she didn't tell Ashley about it no one would of ever found her I don't think.

Ashley started running towards rocks I was to tired to run so I just walked behind.

Ashley's P.O.V

All that i could think about when i was walking through the bushes is what If I don't find Kayln I don't know what I'm going to do I will lose my other half but what if I do find her but its to late... She wouldn't go that far over Jai... Would she? I really had no clue but all that mattered at this point was finding her!

I found the place she loved most and started running

"Kayln!!!!" I yelled when I saw her sitting there with her knees to her chest crying into them

I started running faster and sat right next to her

"It's ok I'm here everything is ok." I said throwing my arms around her

She put her legs down and started crying into my shoulder

"Everyone leaves me they promise they won't then they do" she whispered through her tears

"It's ok, I love you I won't ever leave you! I need you just as much as you need me!" I said to her

Luke walked towards us and signaled to me that he was going to call Jai

I didn't want Jai to come here. I don't know what he has done but it must of been really bad to make her this upset! I didn't want to even look at him right now and I'm sure she doesn't want to either! She cried into my shoulders for ages and all I could was comfort her. Luke left to give us sometime.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I see Jai but one thing I do know is it won't be pretty!


Hope you all like it!!

I wrote this chapter and the last one in the car on my way to the central coast so they probably aren't that great

I'm almost up to 200 reads which may not seem like much but I was expecting to get like 20 so this is a big deal to me hahahah

Thank you all for reading!! Xx


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