Part 24

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You fall back feeling the cold water take over your body. The people around you widened their eyes in shock. Struggling to swim you try and reach the surface until someone else jumps into the water.

You felt arms around you, lifting you and taking you out of the pool.

Doyoung's P.O.V

After Jisung (the chairman's son) had finished playing I looked towards Y/n. She was talking to Irene so I walked away, until I heard a giant splashed, followed by a small scream. I turned around to see that she had fallen into the pool. I was curious why she hadn't tried to come out but I realised that she may not be able to swim. "Oh no." I was about to take off my shoes until someone else already went after Y/n.

End of Doyoung's P.O.V

You opened your eyes and saw Taeyong shivering while taking you inside. His wet hair dripped onto your face. You looked past his shoulder and saw Doyoung. You faced back, embarrassed.


Some butler's followed you both upstairs with towels. Taeyong put you in a room closing the door. "Are you okay?" He passes you lots of towels.

"Yes, it's just w..water I'll be alright." You dry your hair.

"I'm sorry this is fault, I was supposed to look after you."

"Don't blame yourself. Here." You gave him some towels. "You're shivering."

He smiles and dries his hair.

"A new change of clothes for you will be here soon."

"Thank you and I'm sorry, this dress was probably expensive."

"No worries, I can buy you many more." He puts a towel on your head and walks out.


Jaehyun heard about what happened with you. He walked up to Doyoung who was sat at a table. "Mr Kim, where is Y/n?"

"Taeyong took her somewhere."

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know, she better be, I'm not having any absences."

Doyoung looked at Jaehyun for a weird couple of seconds until he walked away. He remembered when he was younger with Jaehyun.


Back to year's ago...
Doyoung's P.O.V

Today was the best day ever. I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. I helped her out and walked her home. I smiled to myself.

The next day...

I was sat in the School Library reading about business and such. The building was peaceful, just how I liked it.

I still couldn't get the thought of that girl out of my head since our first ever encounter. I could feel my cheeks begin to blush.

"Hey bro, what ya doing?" Jaehyun sits by you.

"Just reading why?"

"Wanna hang out after school today?"

"Sure, I have nothing else to do anyway." You smiled.


After hanging out with your best friend you both walked to the convince store to buy some food.

"Wait lemme find that bar..." You searched for a chocolate bar you liked.

After purchasing the food you both left the store. As you're about to say goodbye to each over someone else exits the store.

She stops and looks at you both.

- My Office - NCT Kim Doyoung - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now