Part 8

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He laughed nervously

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He laughed nervously. "I know I put it somewhere." He says and searches his desk .   After a minuet of watching him search the room he finally stops. "I remember now, I left it in on my shelf... downstairs." He sighs and walks back to his desk.                                                               

 "So now what? Are we trapped here?" You say nervously. He nods his head. Your eyes widen and you turn around. "I hate this as much as you do but we have to stay here till someone opens the door. " He replies. The atmosphere is awkward and silent. He sat down at his desk. "Cant you just email someone? " You say. "I would but-" The power goes off. You get startled. "The power goes off at a specific time after the building is then locked." He explains while lighting a candle. he puts five candles around the room. 

 You sat on one of the chairs. "Awh man, I need a coffee right now.." He says . Just then you remember that that's why you came in the room in the first place. You walk up to where you put them and picked them up. You put his on his desk. "Here, sir," He looks up and immediately takes it." Is this why you came in here?" You reply with yes and  he drinks the coffee. "I appreciate it, but I never asked." He says while looking at you and back at the drink. "I just thought you seemed tired. That's all. He nods and you go back to the seat. "Also, don't get the impression that I wanna be friends with you or anything but you can call me Doyoung." He says with a  half smile. "O-oh okay sir- Doyoung" You smile. She doesn't seem like too much trouble. She's quite kind. He thought to himself.  

A couple more minuets went of silence and drinking coffee.  "How long is- is this going to take?" You said getting cold.

 "I'm afraid we'll be trapped here all night. I doubt anyone is actually still here." He replied . You sighed and thought about what would happen. You looked at Doyoung and he was removing blankets from the top shelf in his cupboard. 

"What are you doing?" You asked

"What does it look like?" He replies.  "You are going to need some sleep, especially if you wanna do well tomorrow. Any ideas yet?" 

"Well..." You sat down at a chair near where Doyoung was standing. "I could go there as a spy, I could maybe have a disguise and pretend to work for them for information? wait, no that sounds kind of stupid"- Doyoung interrupts.

"It doesn't sound stupid, well except from the fact that you wont need a disguise. But something like that could actually work..." He says 

"You think so?" You reply. You write down some notes in your notebook just so you don't forget. 

Soon after

Doyoung had finished setting up your bed on  the floor. "Get some rest now, I already know how mad my Father is going to be if he finds out about this. Don't you dare speak a word of this." He gives you a deadly glare followed with a hesitant smile. You stand up and go to the bed he made for you. "Thanks" You lie down facing the other way and close your eyes.

Doyoung's P.O.V

It was only 8:09. I looked back and she was already fast asleep. As I walked over to her I saw her shaking, she looked unwell and her skin was pale. "I hope I hadn't overworked her.. well, I like messing around with her bit. She is very determined" You chuckle to yourself and walk back to your desk. 


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- My Office - NCT Kim Doyoung - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now