Not to play hero

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April 19 1982

Alice could see the house.They were getting closer.She eyed her husband who gave her a smile for a response as they started landing.

Once they reached the porch of the house and got of their brooms she rushed to get Harry from Mary.

"Alice you don't have to" she replied as Alice stretched her arms to take the toddler from her.

"You had him in all the flight , you are tired. You should rest I'll look after him"

It wasn't far from the truth but that wasn't the reason Alice wanted to take Harry in her arms. He reminded her of her son,Neville whom he was the same age with.And Alice thought that if something was to happen to her or her husband ,she would want for him to be safe. That's what Lily would have wanted too. It's not that she didn't care for harry but you could call it mother's solidarity.

So she took Harry who sleepily placed his head on her shoulder and walked him inside.

The flight to the house was calm,the invisibility spell had worked and they hadn't been located.

"Everything alright darling?" Frank asked his worried looking wife.

She nodded quietly as she got inside and paced to the living room.She felt guilty. Guilty for being alive,for being able to spend time with her son and her husband.Guilty for not being able to do anything else to help.

She looked around the house.Such a nice house for a family.Such a happy place to built a life.


Sirius waved his wand at Bellatrix who was flying next to him , dark smoke surrounding her.She only laughed as she repeled the spell without any difficulty.

Sirius looked around him at the other wizards being attacked by deatheaters.They were outnumbered.

Any time now would be great.

"Stupefy!" he shouted.

She laughed again and shot a spell as Sirius leaned over on his broom trying to gain speed and slow down his crazy looking cousin.

Before Sirius could even think Bellatrix knocked him off his broom taking him with her in that cloud of pitch black smoke.

Sirius gasped as his hands left his broomstick and he felt a pair of hands grabing his wrists,nails digging at his skin.He grabbed his wand tighter as bellatrix flew around the sky.

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS" rhe crazy woman shouted.

"FUCK.OFF." the man replied spitting on her face.

Sirius felt a stinging pain in his stomach right beside his ribs and he groaned.But the adrenaline didn't let him contaplate it.Istead he focused on trying to get his crazy cousin off of him and pointing his wand at her.

And then Sirius saw it.A spark. Aurors started appearing shooting spells at the deatheaters grabbing some of them and apparating away.Their presence was sensed however as a lot of deatheaters started to flee.

Bellatrix's expression twisted into one of anger as she realised what was happening and Sirius gave her a smirk.She tried to let go of him and fly away but Sirius was right ahead of her.He grabbed ger by the collar of her clothes and pulled her closer.

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