Dixie: (gets up and goes into Knox's room) morning Baby, are you ready for your first birthday?
Knox: ma! ma!
Dixie: are you just wanting nursed?
(Dixie pulls her top up and Knox latches on)
Dixie: (giggles) your still as hungry as you where a year ago!
(Dixie goes back into Doah's room)
Noah: morning Bub!
Dixie: morning baby!
Noah: (gets up and walks over to Dixie and Knox) happy birthday babyboy!
Knox: (reaches out for Noah) Da!
Noah: (takes Knox) hey buddy!
Knox: (smiles) Ma! Da!
Dixie: (kisses Knox's head and smiles) mommy is here buddy!
(Londyn comes running in)
Londyn: mommy! Daddy! Grandma is ready for Knox!
Dixie: okay princess, we need to get you and your brother changed before going down, so come with mommy and I'll change you then daddy can change your brother...
Londyn: (smiles) okay!
(Dixie and Londyn go into Londyn's room)
Dixie: (goes into Londyns closet and picks out Londyn's outfit) need help getting changed baby?
Londyn: yes please mommy!
(Dixie helps Londyn change)
Londyn's outfit:
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Dixie: wow baby, you look adorable!
Londyn: thank you mommy!
Dixie: (picks up Londyn) let's go get daddy and Knox!
Londyn: okay!
(Dixie and Londyn head into Knox's nursery)
Dixie: aww Knoxy bear, you look so handsome little man!
Knox: (smiles) Ma! Ma!
Noah: hey babe!
Dixie: (smiles) hi baby, you did a great dressing him Buba!
Knox's outfit:
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