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a couple of days later

I groaned as I heard yet another knock on my door.

"go away" I shouted.

a couple of minutes went by until  I heard my door open and people's footsteps.

"get the hell up," Billie said as she opened the blinds.

I hissed as the sunlight filled the room "get the hell out".

"lei you've been in here for four days were starting to get worried" I heard star's voice.

"well I'm still alive sadly can you guys leave now?"

"no, what the hell has gotten in you?" I heard Kendall seeth.

"I just want to be left alone is that too much to ask for?".

"yes now get up go brush your teeth and come tell us what the hell is wrong," Billie said looking at me.

"Why should I hows that going to change what the hell happened," I said feeling my throat start to burn.

"oh my god, it's kash isn't it?"  star asked.

I didn't say anything.

"wait what the fuck happened?"

I finally sat up making them look at me shocked.

the three girls stared at Jaleesa in shock she looked horrible.

her hair was thrown up into a messy bun, her eyes that were once full of light look dull and nasty, the eye bags under her eyes due to all her crying along with her mascara that she didn't have the energy to wash off had now stained her cheeks.

this broke their heart to see their friend like this

"oh my god" Kendall said silently.

Getting up I pushed the covers off of me walking into the bathroom.

I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste not bothering to look at myself in the mirror because I knew I would just break down again I started to brush my teeth.

Spitting out the remainder of the toothpaste I rinsed my mouth.

Finally fishing up I looked at the hoodie and sweatpants I was in and shrugged.

Walking back in they were now all sitting down.

I took a seat back on my bed.

"We are pretty much done," I said looking at the wall.

"What happened?" Kendall said looking at me sincerely.

"She left after she said she loved me, she fucking left," I said feeling the tears fall.

𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.Where stories live. Discover now