14. The Aircraft

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|Part One|

Next Morning.

"Aiden, wake up now. It's ten already." Aiden stirred, gradually rubbing his eyes and opening them.

"You're late." There was Kash. Standing with his arms crossed beside Aiden's bed. Total mom's style.

"Sorry, I think it was my body's way of procrastinating."


"Oh, good God!" As Neel almost got saved from collapsing, he let out a boisterous cry. The scenario today was a hustle and bustle. Everyone was scampering here and there, juggling their luggage in one hand and food in another.

As Aiden hopped down the stairs while fixing his wristwatch, he saw Blake relaxing on the divan. He grinned to himself and bossed straight for him.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

"Well, I was hoping to put my feet up and take a little nap when things got boring but sure. You just go ahead and take my footrest." Cackling, Aiden casually whacked Blake on the shoulder and sat beside him.

"So many things changed since we came here, right? I'm not liking it very much."

"That's apparent, Blake. This was not supposed to come about but now whatever happened is for our good."

"How is being abandoned a favourable thing?" Turning to Aiden, Blake cocked his eyebrows in question.

"I don't know." As Aiden shrugged off, Raylan crouched beside him.


"So what?"

"No, I mean. Is everyone ready? We were supposed to leave today if I'm not wrong?"


"Hear me out, people!" Tatum entered through the foyer, clapping his hands to get their attention. He looked exhausted. "We will leave in an hour or so. Pick up your baggage and other necessary things, clear?"

"Mark! How's your ankle?"

"Better than ever. Thanks for asking." He half-smiled.

"That's great. Where is Jiho?"

"Here!" A muffled voice made them turn their heads behind. Giggling silently, Aiden strode to Jiho, who was struggling to balance his types of equipment and helped him keep down all the material.

"Sorry, it was too heavy," Jiho said, laboriously shoving down the free resort towel inside the bag.

"That's fine. Everyone, meet me outside the lobby in one hour." The group halted what they were doing and nodded in response, going back to normal again.



"Don't you just sometimes want to be the good guy and let them leave?" The unknown person laughed.

"Trust me, the feelings are mutual." The girl beside him said chuckling. They both were standing in a dark room, the only light source there was the candlelight. As charming as that may've sounded, their emotions weren't.


"Okay, ready." They all gathered outside with their suitcases.

"Kash, just go inside and check if anything is left." Kash ran in, skimming through the room. Waiting impassively a few steps away, Tatum checked his watch.

"We're good, let's go."

They all stepped out of the resort, leaving their footsteps behind. The final time they would ever visit the Bella Mondé was right then.

"I wouldn't fabricate, I will miss this place." Raylan smiled to himself as he turned around to have an ultimate look.

"You don't want to leave, do you?" He barked out a laugh at the qualm Aiden raised.

"It doesn't matter now, Aiden." He glimpsed at him and offered a mock salute, stepping further.

"He'll be alright. He just needs time to process." Kash smiled at his pal from behind.

"Let us go."


"It feels so good to be back here! Finally, we can leave this place." Jiho glowed and stood beside Raylan.

"Cheer up, Ray!" He heartily chirped.

"Not the right time, Jiho..."

"It's fine, Raylan. I'm here, yeah?" Jiho passed a soft smile to the latter and put hands around his shoulders.

"I'm glad." Raylan returned the smile.

"The plane has enough fuel. My fingers are itching to fly this." Mark told, clearly pleased.

"Mark, what's this?!"


"Look, this part is burning a little!" As Mark went closer with his brows creased up, his eyes widened. Panic ensued in his eyes as he desperately began to shake his hands. He quickly ran out. He gasped loudly, frantically making some quick hand gestures.

"Oh, God! Get out of there, Aiden! It may blast at any moment! Get out! The fuel tank may catch the fire anytime!" Mark spat. Everyone broadened their eyes, running far from the airplane.

"I can't hear you, Mark!"

"He said get out!" Blake shouted with all his might only to see Aiden frowning at him to an extent.

"Fuck it," Blake mumbled as he pushed Mark aside, jumping inside the huge garage.

"Blake!" Mark slapped his forehead in annoyance. "Idiots!"

"Aiden, hold my hand and jump out! It may blast! What in God's name are you waiting for?! Hold it!"


"Get the fuck out, Aiden!"

"What is this boy doing? Aiden!" Jiho yelled - his mind going wild, imagining all the possibilities. Soon, Blake saw Aiden fleeing towards him, he stretched out his arm as Aiden easily got up. They both scurried off just at the right moment.

The whole aircraft blasted right in front of them. Their last hope was now gone.

|End Of Chapter|

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