Parents (chapter 9)

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Emmeline's POV:

We got home to see Megan, Clay, and Peter sitting and on our couch. I looked around the room to see him. I never thought I would see him in this house. Not in a million years.

"Dad" I whispered as a tear fell from my eye.

In front of me stood Megan and Clay's dad. My birth mother became their maternal support and their birth dad became my paternal support. They called my mother 'mom' and I called their father 'dad'

"Hi teardrop" he smiled

"What are you doing here?" I smiled

Megan's dad took a job in France when we turned 18. Clay helped us out as much as he could while her dad was away.

(BTW em's dad is out of the book now so when Megan's Dad is around, em will call him dad and the writing will be like 'dad did ___'. Figured this would help. Sorry for the interruption)

"Megs called me and told me you got married. I wanted to meet the kid that married my teardrop" he said.

"Megs when did you call?" I asked

"As soon as you had your miscarriage.  I figured you would call him but I had a feeling that I needed to tell him as soon as possible" Megan explained.

"Clay, did you know about this?" I asked

"I helped buy his ticket here" Clay smiled.

I took a few steps back and Allister hugged me from behind.

"Is this a good thing?" He whispered in my ear.

"Very" I cried.

"I hope it's okay I showed up at your house unannounced." Dad said.

"It's perfectly fine sir. The three of us are happy you are here" Allister said as he put his hands on my stomach.

I put one of my hands on top of his then wrapped my arm around his head and tried to kiss him.

He leaned down and put his head on my shoulder so I could reach.

"I'm Harry, Megan, and Clay's biological dad but Emmy's unofficial adopted dad." He held his hand out for Allister to shake

Allister shook his hand.

"Allister, Em's husband" he smiled.

"Fiancee" I corrected.

Allister chuckled.

"Wait, 'em'?" Dad asked.

"I thought only your mom-" he started

"Yes.  Only mom but also Allister.  He started saying it and it grew on me. It just sounded right when it came from him" I interrupted

Allister kissed my cheek as he went back to hugging me from behind instead of touching my stomach from behind.

After about an hour of explaining me and Allister's past, dad wasn't happy with Allister, but when I brought up how we were good and our plans for the future, he was less angry and more happy.



I'm sorry this is super short. I need help though.  I have no idea what to do with this.

Please please please comment some ideas and I'll choose some and put them in the book. You become the writers of this. Make it your own. Write what you think/want to happen.

If I don't get any comments or come up with ideas on my own then I might not update this for a while. I'm currently working on a short story so if I finish that then I'll publish it but yeah.

Again, please please please comment some ideas. I'm stuck and could use some help. If you do comment then thanks if you don't well, still thanks since you read this far.

Anyways have a nice night or morning wherever you are 😘

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