Replaced (Tommy and Tubbo)

431 10 11

Word count: 1392

I have no idea what is happening in the lore right now. I base my stories on short clips on youtube and Twitter lmao. And this is all fake so don't come at me.


"Tommy! What's your problem?!"


It was a week after Tommy had gotten out of prison. The whole server (yes all of them) have decided to meet up to celebrate its one year anniversary... and Tommy is back. They all gathered outside the mansion made by Foolish, hungry and excited to finally meet up again. Now before you get worried, the anarchists promised that they would be civil and Dream promised that he wouldn't kill anyone, meaning that the rest of the members are somewhat safe.

Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Bad, Ant and Alyssa were happily chatting away about their past manhunts, discussing new updates that they could have added to the game if Dream didn't get imprisoned; Awesamdude, Philza, Ponk and Foolish were discussing different mega builds and redstone; Fundy, Hbomb, Wilbur, Schlatt, Jack, Eret, Quackity, Karl, Connor and Puffy were messing around, mostly making fun of Hbomb flirting with Fundy while being in a maid costume; Hannah, Techno, Skeppy, Punz and Purpled were planning a bedwars collaboration and at last... Tommy was alone. Now he could have been with Tubbo, Niki or Ranboo but they were in the mansion preparing the food. He already tried to start conversations with the others but when he did, they immediately fell silent and looked rather annoyed for no reason! So now he was alone, leaning awkwardly against the rough mansion wall. 

"Welcome to our one year anniversary! Come in! Come in!" Tubbo exclaimed as he dramatically pushed the massive double doors open, exposing the massive living room to the guests. The room was more like a hall, with candles on towering pillars adding a cosy feeling to the place. Most furniture was made out of wood and stone but was beautifully decorated with flowers, picture and small gadgets. Giant windows were also placed around the hall, welcoming natural sunlight to enter. The most eyecatching thing in the area was the family portraits scattered on the walls. They were 12 times the size of an average person, looming over the guests. In Tubbo's arms was Michael, who was happily sucking on his pacifier. Seeing his favourite uncle, he dashed towards Techno, stumbling over his feet. Techno grinned and picked him up, gently swinging him and holding him close to his body. The rest of the server was shocked. Not once did they see the great Blood God show this much emotion before, especially not to a child.

The group turned their attention away from the cooing uncle to the enormous table of food in the middle of the living room. Taking a whiff of the delicious smelling food, they rushed in, taking a seat next to their close friends.


"Woah Woah Woah I'm sittin next to Phil, back off"

"Noooooo I wanted to sit next to the chicken... It looks so good"

It was a mess. Who knew adults could be so picky.

Finally, when everyone was seated, the dinner was about to start.

"Um, guys... where Niki and Ranboo?" Techno asked, looking around the hall.

With a loud bang, the kitchen door slammed open, revealing the two people. In their hands were trays of different types of drinks, all poured out into ice-filled cups. The guests cheered, welcoming the two to sit down and also trying to grab their preferred drink. Niki was invited to sit with Techno and Ranboo went to his family.

"So guys! Should we take turns sharing something? I'm sure we would all like to know a bit about our lives." Dream suggested, gazing around the table and receiving smiles and nods.

"Ranboo would you like to go first?" Eret suggested.

"Yeah of course he goes first..." Tommy muttered, head in hands.

"Excuse me?"


"Um anyways I started to do some random projects around the server, hanging out with Tubbo and Michael, worked on a... thing... with Techno, Phil and Niki, messed around with the boys, you know, the usual"

"Wow, you've gotten quite popular when I was gone haven't you, what happened to the quiet and anxious Ranboo that we knew and loved?" Tommy bitterly said, crossing his arms.

The other guests glanced at each other while furrowing their eyebrows. Even Michael, who was still quite young could sense the change in the atmosphere, burrowing himself deeper into Tubbos hold.

"Now Tommy doesn't be like this, don't be rude" Bad said, narrowing his eyes in disappointment.

"Oh so now you talk to me...  when you are telling me off. And it was just a question! No biggie." Tommy puffed, slouching in his seat.

"TOMMY WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Tubbo exclaimed, standing up. His chair screeched behind him, making Michael squeal. Tubbo passed the child to Ranboo and walked towards Tommy. The piglet was slightly shaking, not used to seeing his father this angry.

"What happened to the Tommy that we've known and loved? What happened to the kind and considerate Tommy? What happened to the welcoming Tommy? Have you not realised that for once ALL of us were having a good time? With no arguments, fighting... nothing. Have you realised that not everything is about you? When everyone thought you were dead, how do you think I've felt? I was devastated! I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't do anything! But Ranboo had helped me through that time. He was more than I could have ever asked for! You have to understand that I could have other friends and other things to do. I can't be at your side forever Tommy. And the marriage was platonic. Michael is platonic. There is no reason why you have to be so mean to Ranboo!" Tubbo yelled.

"But can't you see Tubbo, he's replacing me! He is getting along with everyone that I used to hang out with and I was trying to get my friends back!"

"Maybe instead of blaming Ranboo you should blame yourself. Why else do you think everyone is avoiding you but not him?" Tubbo said, exasperated. He then turned to the others "Guys come on back me up. Help me prove my point".

"Ranboo had been more considerate than you Tommy. When he came to live with us, he made a new axe just to replace the one that you have lost. He even provided resources and helped me and Phil a lot instead of stealing." Techno spoke up and Phil nodded, agreeing with his friend.

"He had also included me in conversations and gave me a lot of iron for my beacon for free. I have been ignored so much by you that I was shocked when someone listened to me!" Niki added in. The table looked at each other in shame, adding a mental note to include her more.

"I'm sure that there are so many more reasons why he's a really good friend Tommy. This is why we talk to him more. Because we enjoy his company." Quality said, looking pitiful. " He doesn't deserve all the terrible things that you have said to him. You are not being replaced, we just prefer him."

Tommy was extremely surprised, he didn't think that he was the problem. And he had been insulting Ranboo ever since he got out of prison.

"Remember when you asked me if I was happy? The answer is yes, I am, but without you. Even before being arrested, you were the one who started all the wars, you were the problem. Ever since you have gotten out of that prison you have caused nothing but trouble. Maybe it was best if you have stayed there". Tubbo coldly said. He then grabbed his plate of food and walked off down a hallway, his footsteps echoing in the silent room. The others quietly shuffled away, muttering their apologies and thanks to Niki and Ranboo. Ranboo awkwardly waved the guests goodbye, stared at Tommy and left to find his husband, leaving the frozen boy in the centre of the room.

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