Arranged Marriage pt. 2 (Dreamnoblade)

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Words: 2621
ok I'll go pass out now

I should really start writing shorter one-shots so people would actually have the time to read them.

I should also start using my laptop instead of my phone. Hello, carpal tunnel.

"And once again, Technoblade never dieeeeeesssss!"

The inseparable duo was back at techno's training facility again, this time training on one on one combat. Dozens of water jugs and weapons were scattered around the recently installed boxing ring, with the two in the middle. Dream was knocked flat on his back, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. Techno was equally as exhausted, with his back hunched over and hands around his waist, moderating his breathing patterns. It was a Wednesday that day, the day where the two would meet up and train for hours. It has been seven years since the incident in the Mask Kingdom and the boys were best friends ever since. Dream and Techno had pestered their parents about meeting each other again and after five days of begging, both parties eventually gave in. After that day, the pair met up every day. Before school, after school and even during the weekends. Of course, Philza was ecstatic to see his son find such a good friend, especially since he was one of the most antisocial kids he has ever met, but even he wonders how the two never seem to run out of topics to talk about.

At around ten years old, Dream's father insisted Dream take fighting lessons, saying that if he wanted to be a future king, self-defence skills were necessary. As expected, Dream immediately offered Techno to join him which in response, he said yes. Rising up the ranks, they both became the number one fighters in their kingdoms, somehow also managing to beat fully trained knights, making every citizen of both kingdoms respect and even fear the thirteen-year-olds, knowing that they could defeat a hoard of them with just their bare hands.

"Good fight man, that was close," said Techno as he offered his hand to Dream to help pull him back up. As they were only thirteen and only recently learnt how to control their strength, Techno accidentally pulled a little too hard, making the other stumble towards him and crash into his body. Dream's hands automatically rested on Techno's chest with his head fitting perfectly on his shoulder and Techno's hands were around Dreams's waist, stabilizing him. Dream immediately blushed and pulled away, rubbing the back of his neck while Techno laughed it off, oblivious to the fact that his friend was literally as red as his cape. Dragging Dream upstairs out of the training quarters and to his bedroom, he plopped down onto the bed, while Dream awkwardly stood there, still thinking about the way he reacted a few minutes ago. Why did he suddenly become so shy? Why was he so embarrassed? Techno furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced up at the other boy, confused on why he was acting so weird. He pushed himself up to a sitting position and patted the bed, waking Dream from his daydream.

"Are you hurt Dream? What's wrong?" Techno questioned. Dream smiled and shook his head, reassuring Techno that he was fine and was only thinking of more strategies he could use next time. Yes, Techno couldn't see his facial expressions but he knew Dream long enough to notice small details like his mask lifting when he smiles, or his feet slightly shifting when he was nervous. Slightly ignoring the situation, Dream moved on to a new topic, trying to make Techno forget about what just happened and succeeded when Techno started rambling about a new book that he has recently read.


"I'm sorry Techno but I can't come to training today. I'll see you next week though."

It was a Wednesday morning and the royal family was having a nice breakfast together. Tommy and Wilbur were being chaotic as usual, with Tommy attempting to stab Wilbur with a butter knife while Wilbur tried to create an origami swan out of a towel. Techno stared at the letter before him and couldn't believe his eyes. He was shocked. Not once in his fourteen years of knowing Dream did he ever miss a training session and even if he had to, he would have told him in person.

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