Arranged Marriage pt.1 (Dreamnoblade)

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lmao I said one shot book and my first official chapter is a 2 parter. Oh well.

A quick reminder that this is my first time writing so constructive criticism is noice thanks.

words: 1282


"Absolutely not"

"Techno, please! You have to understand that this is necessary to keep our kingdoms at peace. You know how unpredictable the Mask Kingdom is, this is the only thing that could protect us from being brutally murdered!"

"I am not selling my soul away just so you could be on talking terms with the stupid smily kingdom"

"Okay now you are just being dramatic"


Technoblade sighed as he recalled the conversation he had with his father, Philza. It was around four hours ago when he was told that he had to marry a random stranger that happened to be a prince in his rivalled kingdom. Knowing that continuing to argue wouldn't be effective, he started wondering about his future spouse. Would he be a spoiled brat like every other prince he had met? Was Dream dreading this as much as he was?

Sitting up on his bed and leaning against the bed frame, Techno glanced at the clock on his bedside table. 5:23. Just enough time to further beat up his training dummy as a stress reliever.

Peeking his head out of his bedroom door, he peeped at both ends of the long hallway. It was pretty empty, excluding the fact that a couple of servants were scuttling around, hands full of laundry, cleaning supplies and platters of food. Skilfully avoiding his brothers and father, he made his way down to his personal training quarters.

The sleepy kingdom was one of the wealthier kingdoms. They are known for selling the best crops and dairy products on the land. As the demand for high-quality foods began to increase, the kingdom has been gaining more profits, leading to them earning more money than the others.

One example of the overflowing money that the kingdom has is Techno's training quarters. It is an underground facility that is littered with all kinds of equipment. Swords made of different metals, bow and arrows made of different woods, and even a trident, his most prized possession.

Hopping down the narrow staircase that leads to the said facility, Techno was eager to start training, to temporarily forget the problems that he had to overcome. Pressing a button that triggers a domino effect, he watches with amazement as hundreds of torches hung on the rocky walls lit up one by one, casting a warm flickering light in the seemingly gloomy space. Proudly walking down the long hallway that leads to the damaged training dummy, he admired the weapons lying on a bench in the corner of the room. Advancing the bench, he carefully picked up his iron sword and ran his finger on the blade, feeling the sharpness on his fingertip. Deciding that the sword was acceptable, he cracked his knuckles and glared at the dummy, ready to tear the thing into pieces.


"Hi! My name's Dream! Who are you?"

It was November 16th. The annual ball. Every year, a kingdom was expected to host a hall where different kingdoms would dance, talk and drink. Unfortunately, it was Sleepy Kingdom's turn to host, leading to a lot of panicky planning and mass buying of alcohol. While having 3 energetic kids in the palace is entertaining and pleasant, they were certainly a huge distraction and added more problems to the growing list of problems that the planners already had. So resulting in this, Philza decided that it would be a good idea to send the kids off to one of his friends, The mask kingdom. He knew that the Mask Kingdom was more strict and calm, especially with their policy that they had to keep on a mask at all times, so maybe they could help discipline his children.

Techno was the mature one out of the three. He remembered his basic manners when he had first met the royal family of the mask kingdom. Impressed with the five-year-old, the royals sent him off to explore the castle while his brothers were stuck learning about some rules that they had to follow while staying at the kingdom. Wandering through the halls, he stared at the family portraits which were ten times his size being hung on the massive walls. Being mesmerized by the incredibly detailed paintings, he was unaware of his surroundings and accidentally ran into a boy with golden blond hair who was around his age. Techno was nearly knocked onto the floor but fortunately, the boy grabbed his wrist in time, saving him from potentially injuring himself.

"I am so very sorry! I wasn't paying attention to what was around me! Are you okay?" rambled Techno as he scuttled away from the boy. He quickly examined the person who saved him and mentally noted some key features down. Blond hair, same height, royal clothes... oh no royal clothes. Philza specifically sent the three boys to the mask kingdom to be disciplined and Techno has already messed up. The boy was probably going to tell his parents that he was super clumsy and annoying! They would be so disappointed!

"Oh, I'm fine thank you. May I ask who you are? I have never seen you before..." Dream questioned. It was rare to see children his age in the palace and was even rarer to see someone without a mask on.

"I-I'm Technoblade... or Techno. From the Sleepy Kingdom". Techno stuttered, still shaken up from the recent event.

Dream silently stood there, studying the boy in front of him. He smiled and startled the boy by quickly grabbing his wrist and dragging techno toward a back gate of the palace. Techno was terrified. He couldn't read Dream's facial expressions or guess what he was doing so he assumed that dream was about to report his mistake. Abruptly, Techno stopped walking behind Dream, making him stop as well. With tears in his eyes, Techno begged the rather confused dream not to tell his parents, that he would pay attention next time. It took minutes promising and a cookie from dream to convince techno that he wouldn't report him and that he only wanted to take him to a special spot in the palace. Now munching on his newly received cookie, Techno hesitantly continued following Dream, this time feeling calmer and less anxious.

After a few hours, it was nearly time for the sleepy trio to head back. Dream and Techno had spent the whole afternoon together, both now comfortable with each other. If you asked any stranger, they would say that the pair had been friends for years! Sitting on Dream's bed with Dream opposite of him, they were just finishing up their role-playing scene with wooden horses and knights. They were laughing and giggling, having the time of their lives. Unfortunately, when the dreaded "Techno, it's time to go home" was said, the boys silently packed up their toys and started heading towards the main area. Before exiting his room, Dream grabbed Techno's wrist again, this time to stop Techno from leaving just yet.

"Dream, I have to go..."

"Yes, I know. But before you go, I have to tell you something"

"..." Techno tilted his head, curious to find out what dream had to say.

"I really enjoyed playing with you today. I never really played with someone that is not from my kingdom before..., everyone gets really scared when they see me and people from my kingdom because of our masks. Thank you for not running away." Confessed Dream, slightly rocking on the heels of his feet while looking at everything but Techno

"Well, I don't find you scary. I think your mask is cool! How about this, if I will become your best friend, will you be mine?"

"Yes! Of course! Yes!"

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