"I'm eighteen years old and haven't done anything with my life... I don't have someone who I can make happy every day,"
"Jay-ah, you don't need to worry about that stuff yet," Heeseung comforted. He threw an arm over my shoulder with a reassuring sm...
After the exam was over, I made eye contact with Sunghoon. He could sense the panic in my eyes and nodded to me as if he knew we needed to discuss something. Like robots we left the hall. No words were said but my inner self was screaming with speech. I wasn't dreaming, was I?
I stood outside the hall waiting for us all to reconvene. I was on the tips of my toes and I couldn't stand still. I felt as if I'd seen a ghost, but Eun Hyerin wasn't even dead. She felt it though... She was a sad memory to live by as if her past presence meant something more.
"My Jay sensor went off, what went wrong?" Jake tended to me instantly. He gripped both shoulders and looked over me like he was looking for a scratch.
"You have a Jay sensor?"
"No," he revealed, "but wouldn't that be so cool!"
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Seriously though, what's wrong?" Jake finally seemed sincere. In this time, Sunghoon and Heeseung finally arrived and were also waiting for an answer.
"I think... I don't know.. I saw H-Hyerin," I eventually got out and the three of them looked at me blankly. My eyes widened as I waited for them to reply, but their expressions grew more and more puzzled. It was as if they wanted to believe me, but couldn't. I understood that - I wasn't expecting them to believe me at all.
"What makes you think you saw her?" Sunghoon spoke up, putting an arm on my shoulder. He looked at me with concerned eyes, but his smile held sincerity and care. I appreciated his calm response, since I was expecting something more loud.
"I saw a girl in a hoodie - my favourite hoodie. I'm sure it was mine. I gave my hoodie to Hyerin a while back and she never returned it. It must have been her," I tried to convince them.
"A lot of people have that hoodie, Jay," Heeseung counteracted and I nodded, knowing ultimately that it could have been any girl.
"I know... It just made sense that it was her,"
"Are you sure?" Jake started, "She has been gone for a month and a half now. If she was back, especially in school, I'm sure we would know."
The guys were sympathetic with how I felt: confused, worried, upset. They didn't completely out rule the possibility that Hyerin was back, but we had a lot of evidence to believe she wasn't. In my mind, I didn't know if I was still holding on to hope or just riled up at the fact she entered my life again.
"It's alright, Jay. We all wish she was back, but we've all moved on now. We should really focus on our next exam," Jake proposed.
"We should. It's English next. I really need to get studying," I smiled and replaced the worried aura in the room.