Chapter 33 : Jumping in and out

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" Ryohei, switch with Reborn. You need a rest. Reborn, come over here and heal him. Chrome, please help me call Shamal to come over here asap. "

Ryohei sits on a random chair and takes a nap due to the energy drain of using Sun flames, Reborn comes over and obediently heals the pineapple while Chrome calls Shamal using the built in phone in the room.

A few minutes later Shamal comes rushing into the room, face full of happiness and saying something around the lines of "Chrome-chan needs me?!", "Chrome-chan are you okay?" and only gets disappointed after seeing a male laying on the bed needing immediate treatment.

" Shamal you better heal him or else your pay will be cut and female gold-diggers won't find you anymore. " Tsuna says in a threatening tone but the content is clearly mocking Shamal.

" Fine, fine, Decimo. I will do it and you should pay me triple for threatening me to heal a man. "
" I will only pay you double, nothing more. Do your work with Reborn properly and I expecting Mukuro could be at least awake within 24 hours."

Shamal gets to work immediately after being threatened by his very own future boss while scared to his core because Reborn. Just a Reborn could scare one of the most skillful assassin to his very own core. And Tsuna knows this very well.

The surgery is going quite well since Mukuro is slightly awake after 2 hours of coma. The first awakening of Mukuro only left a smirk while looking directly into Tsuna's eyes before going back into sleep.

Chikusa,Ken and M.M later on come rushing into the room looking incredibly worried, but is scolded by Chrome since the three and half-forces their way into the medical room by breaking the medical room's window. And the room is located on the third floor.

" Come on, we just want to see if Mukuro-sama is alright. " M.M argues.
" With the intention to kidnap Mukuro-sama as well to not let him be in danger again? " Chrome says.
" You understand us too so just let us get back Mukuro-sama already!" Ken says as Chikusa nods his head in approval.

Chrome closes her eyes as mist envelopes her whole, trident dispersed into the air like mist as well. Then a familiar figure manifested from it. Chrome is now gone as Mukuro uses her body as a host.

" Mukuro-sama! "
" Hmn, it's good to see you all again. But I have no intention of going back it with you yet since I found the case I'm investigating very intresting. "
" But- "
" Until next time. Nagi couldn't contain my conscience in her body for too long or else she will get hurt as well."

The mist once again envelopes and dispersed leaving a slightly dizzy Chrome behind.

The three casually walks back towards the broken window, and flip themselves out of the room through the window. M.M even says the word "Adios," with two fingers doing a peace sign before jumping out of the window.

Meanwhile the students is still struggling to finish the run. Hibari even slow down voluntarily just to give them false hope that " we can finish faster than him " but that's never gonna happen.

Aigis is standing at the finish line, mind planning today's lunch and dinner to perfection from start to finish. Her robotic eyes are zooming in and out as she is recording the whole situation and sending the video towards the Vongola Database.

That is until she saw something within the students. A really weird phenomenon. Aigis immediately zoom her vision onto the personnel, and traces her eyesight towards her right side- an enemy, or a sniper in the tall oak trees that haven't been cleaned in some months. The sunlight reflected off the Sniper gun scope gives off the location of the man.

Aigis slowly raises one of her arms, points towards the Sniper with her pointy finger and the tip of finger opens up, revealing a built in gun. Distance, wind occurrence calculated, Aigis fires the gun, later a thud can be heard in the bushes.

" Hibari-san have finished the race. Please finish your respective run before breakfast time ends. It's already 10.30 am. "

And the students ran in hopes of getting a nice breakfast after the run.

< Time skip >

The breakfast for the students today is ham sandwiches with simple salad. Drinks are self refilled, so students can choose between orange juice, apple juice or just plain iced water.

As the students have their own fill, Aigis starts to count the number of the students.

" Hmm...? What is that on her head..."

She walks towards the girl with something sparkling in her head. Aigis taps on her shoulders to get permission, but she just simply rejected Aigis.

"How dare you, a lowly servant to Vongola Decimo, touch my shoulders?!"
" I'm sorry, but there is something in your hair. Please let me take it off from your head. "
" What ?! That's my present from my dad! He is one of the shareholders of the Vongola Company! "

The girl screams while Aigis could only focus her mechanical eyes on the said present.

But Aigis didn't find anything like it. Only a huge hairclip with a very obvious gps tracker sticked onto it.

Aigis blinked and looks at the students beside the girl. They seem not to notice the abnormalities on the hairclip.

" Sorry for my rudeness, but may I ask what is the material to make this hairclip? "
" Hah? Of course you can see. It's a ruby embroidered hair clip. "
" Aigis, see that thing in the middle? I think that is the ruby... " The friend beside her says as she points at the hair clip.

Aigis is confused at first, but she called another maid to take a golden hairclip for the girl with the intention to exchange.

Luckily, the girl now known as Xinaore quickly exchanged for it once she knew this is made by the Vongola.

Aigis then quickly destroyed the gps system on it and ran towards the room where Gokudera is in to report on this matter.

< In an unknown place >

" The gps has been destroyed. What should we do now? "

" Tch. Whatever. Be ready, we will start sending the assassination team towards there now. "

{A/N : Goddamit I'm not really satisfied with this chapter and might rewrite this soon.}

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