Chapter 20 : Vongola Airlines

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" Thanks for staying and we truly hope that you will come back once again. " One of the attendant of the hotel says as he pushes the trolley which consists laguage of the seven males.

Today is the day that the students go to Italy for their graduation trip. Tsuna stretches his body while Reborn is drinking his newly bought coffee. Gokudera is calling their transport while Takeshi is talking with Ryohei.

All of them are wearing their formal suit as well. But they are all wearing one same accessory in common which is an one side earring ( definitely not someone's fetish ) with their own respective element stones on it. The gemstone have become a new tradition within the Vongola due to Tsuna who wears it to the official meeting of bosses.

Mukuro and Hibari is forced to wear it as well, but their earrings has been modified to suit their morals better. Mukuro's is a necklace while Hibari's become cufflinks. Chrome's is a choker to match with Mukuro.

These all have special functions since Shoichi and Spanner ( again ) wants to invent similar things in the future for sale, so they created these for the tenth generation and Reborn.

" Functions including: Mini walkie talkie, mini camera, personal AI, GPS, and more. " Shoichi introduced and they are really satisfied of their work.

" Tsuna-sama, the limousine has arrived. Let's go to the airport first. " Hayato says as he opens the door. Tsuna then enters the transport while everyone else follows.

'Well everyone looks excited.' Tsuna thinks.

< Line break to the Vongola Girls >

Kyoko sighs as she drags her laguage into the Vongola Company. Beside her is Hana,Haru and Chrome. Just as Kyoko wants to ask where is the Nanimori's students are, Chrome stands infront and shows her Mist Earing Ver.X to the attendant behind the counter.

The attendant nodded and lead the girls to the meeting room. Well, almost everyone is here and they look tired.But once the male classmates saw Kyoko's beautiful face, they immediately become energetic. Kyoko only smiles back to the males' antics. '5 more minutes till roll call. Where is Tsuna?' Kyoko thinks as people start whispering.

" Hey, the weather report says that it's supposed to be sunny today. Then why is it raining outside? " One of the female complaints while her friends agreed.

Chrome pets Kyoko on her back to calm her down. 'The half rain female is feeling down so of course the sky will be affected too.Bossu, you should tell them the plan from the start.' Chrome says inside her mind.

" Time for attendance. Class representative, you may start now. " Dino says as he walks into the room. Reborn isn't here so it's quite hard to tame the students. He sighed.

After 5 minutes, the attendance list is completed but with the absence of the tenth generation except Chrome. " Dino-sensei, should we just wait for a bit for the others to come? " The class representative asks as Dino calls Reborn.

Reborn quickly picks up the call and tells Dino to put the conversation on the speakers. " Listen up class 3-A. You will move now. The people that are absent already informed me of that. Also I have invited Mirua Haru to be a guest for this graduation trip. " Haru waves her hands and smile but everyone else decides to ignore her. A small tick mark slowly appeared on Haru's head but she suppresses it.

" Now move to the entrance of the company and the transportation should be there. Your language will be on another vehicle. Move before I cancel the trip. " Reborn states from the other side of the phone as the students rushes to the van that is already waiting.

Dino later on ended the call and follow the students. By the time he arrived there, all the students are already in the van, scared that the trip will get cancelled. Dino calmed the students down and their journey towards the airport starts.

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