Chapter 8

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I make my way through the school cafeteria. Tray in hands piled with the healthiest food that could possibly be found in an American high school.

I walk in between the tables on my way to my usual table when I hear a voice call my name. Not a familiar voice.

I turn to face the owner of it to see a table with four boys and three girls occupying it. One of which who was sitting with an arrogant smile on his face as his friends all turn and look at me.

The girls looked like the average slutty teenager (you know, skimpy clothing that reveals as much skin as a bikini, a face that holds so many similarities to a cake or a child's colouring book it's inhumane) and were shooting daggers at me.

The guys, well how do I put this lightly... They didn't look very.. Straight...

I'm not saying that they had 'I like men' written across their faces, but they just gave off an I like men vibe. Like sluts radiate an 'I carry diseases such as herpes and chlamydiae, and if I spat in a jar I could donate it to a sperm bank'.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I cock my head to the side in curiosity and he laughs.

"No, but I know you. You're the girl that both Heath Everton and Ash Richardson are drooling over." He replies, a sly smile sprawled across his perfect lips.

"Along with the rest of the male population of the school." One of the sluts spits, as if she is disgusted but was clearly jealous.

"And some of the female." One of the guys to the left of the guy in the middle chuckles, in a way of pride more then humor.

"Really?" I question and all of the guys just laugh.

"Aw honey, so unaware. Yes, the almost all of the males at this school  would like to lay you down and-"

"Ok! Ok, I get the picture." I cut him off before he can go any further.

"But that's not why I called you over."

I frown. Well fuck, I was really hoping that he would tell me about all the boys that would make sex with me whilst the girls planned out ways to kill me and make it look like an accident. Well darn, it must be my unlucky day.

"Why did you call me over here?" I question, ignoring the sarcastic commentary I had inn voluntarily playing in my mind.

He smirks, propping his elbows up on the table in front of him and leans his chin on his clasped together hands. "I called you over, because I want to be your new, gay, B.F.F."

I frown at the propestition, but then my face softens and I laugh. Not at the boy, he was too fantabulouse to laugh at. I was laughing with him. (And yes, I did just say he was fantabulous. What of it)

"I'll take that as a yes then." He smiles in triumph.

"What's you're name?" I ask, wanting to know the name for my new gay best friend. (side note: fuck yeah mother truckers)

"Grayson. I'll be at your boarding house at around let's say... flourish."

My boarding house? Da fuq.

"You know, the house that you are staying at with mc dreamy." The gay guy to Grayson's right points out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Ooooh. Gatcha.

"Ok.. But wait, how will you know where my "boarding house" is." I make sure to add air quotes when I say boarding house.

Grayson laughs. "Honey, I'm gay. End of. Now go sit with your hunky fuck buddy and friends and I will see you tonight." He shoots me a sly wink then ushers me away with his hand.

I walk away slowly so I can ponder. How the fruit tingle did he know that Ash and I were doing the no pants dance with no strings?!

I sit down in my usual spot and just stare at my food for a bit.

And now the sluts now I am fucking Ash. Awesome. Just frieking brilliant. Fair effort, haven't even been going at it for long and soon the whole school will know about my sex life. Fabulous.

I hear a knock at the door down stairs, and before one of the boys can get it, I race down the stairs, pulling my ripped jeans up as I go, stumbling a little. I reach the door and swing it open to reveal a frowning blonde haired, brown eyed boy who looks utterly confused to why my pants aren't zipped up.

"Did I just interrupt a fucking sesh?" He cocks his head to the side and a light blush rises to my cheeks, but I laugh it off.

"Ha! No! I was just um... In the crapper taking a crap and um heard the doorbell and um got to it before anyone else did and um yeah."

Smooth. Not only did you lie you used a gross lie. Well done.

The boy raises an eyebrow at me. "One, that's gross. Two, I didn't ring the doorbell, I knowck. And three, if you were fucking, I can wait down here while you finnish."

"I wasn't fucking, I was getting changed when I heard a knock at the door, so I wanted to get it before anyone else did and here we are, I'm standing here with my jeans unzipped trying to convince I wasn't just doing the deed."

He chuckles. "Alright, I believe you."

"Come in."

Well hai kids.

I know, you hate me because I haven't uploaded in years, and because im beautiful. lol jokes.

but on a serious note I am really sorry that I haven't uploaded. Just been dealing with a fair bit of shit lately.

Like a slut confessing her love to me.. The usual.

Anyway, I hope that I will be uploading more frequently know and I am so so so so soooooooooo sorry.

Please don't hate me... I looove you.

Alright, don't forget to fan, comment, whats the other thing again? oh well, you know what im talking about... I hope.

Also, tell me if you want to see more of Heath, or more of Lara and Ash's one on one time.

I love you guys! Mwah!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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