Chapter 1

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I walk into my room and see that it is huge. The furniture is already set up and it still looks gigantic! I drop my duffel bags on the ground and walk around for a little bit. I'm starting to think moving to America wasn't such a bad idea after all. I walk over to my bed and lay on it.


I sit up and look out my window and see the huge house next door, with a shirtless guy working in the backyard. He looks up and winks at me. I feel myself blush and close the blinds in case he sees me.

Come on Lara! He's probably just one of those hot workman! The neighbours are probably some old couple who have spent their pension on that house! All of your neighbours have been old! What's going to change in America? It's not like people go around shooting up the old age home!

"Lara!' Mum calls up the stairs, 'Come meet the neighbours!" I sigh, why does my mum have to be so friendly? Now I have to meet some old people that smell like moth balls.

I begin to walk down the stairs but with my luck I slip on one of mums balls of wool and go tumbling down the stars. I open my eyes, ( I close my  eyes out of habit when I fall.) and see four pairs of legs in front of me. I look up and see four teenage boys staring down at me trying to contain their laughter.

"Go ahead, laugh." I sigh, hauling myself up. They all burst out laughing as if on cue. I let a smile play with my lips too for a bit. And then it hits me, these must be the neighbours, and they're all really hot! Mum appears from behind them.

"Lara, these are our neighbours, the twins are Ben and Damon," She says, pointing to 2 boys that look nothing alike, one with blonde hair the other with sandy brown, one with blue eyes the other with green, but they both, like the rest of the boys have extremely well toned bodies. Not so muscly that it makes you want to gag, but the perfect amount for teenage boys.

"And this is the oldest, Rick," She continues, pointing to a 20 year old with also sandy blonde hair and green eyes. "And last but not least this is Ash. He's your age 17." She says, pointing to a dark, deep blue eyed boy with light  sandy brown hair hair like Damon except with tips. Ash looks like the kind of guy that has dated most girls in school.

"Who was the guy in you front yard?" I blurt out.

"That was our worker, Dimitri." Rick says, giving me a warm smile. I smile back. I walk over to Mum who has parked herself onto one of the kitchen stools, whilst talking to a man in his late thirties and a woman in her mid thirties.

"Lara, this is Mr and Mrs Richardson."

"But you can call us Carmen and Ray." Carmen says, with a smile like Ricks, warm and tender.

"Nice to meet you Carmen and Ray." I say, flashing them both a friendly smile. There is a babies cry from next door.

'Uh oh, Darcey's awake." Carmen says. "Come on boys, let's go back home." All the boys walk out, one after the other, all beaming a smile back at me as they leave.

"It was nice to meet you." Mum calls to them. There is a muffled reply and the door closes.

"You seem like you know Carmen pretty  well." I say to mum, as she gets up from the stool.

"Yeah, we were friends in high school through to college, then she left to America, we spoke on facebook and that's really it since over seas calls cost a fortune." She says, unpacking a box on the kitchen bench.

"Did you know she had kids?" I ask curious.

"Yeah! Of course I did, just like she knew that I had you and your brother." She replies, walking over to one of the kitchen cabinets with a pile of plates wrapped in bubble wrap.

Play With Your Heart Strings (Re writting from Chapter 7)Where stories live. Discover now