1 - petals

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Katsuki realized that something was wrong with him on a random morning. He knew he hadn't caught a cold because he'd been taking such proper care of himself. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was pressing down on him.

His coughs became more forceful and harsh, and he suddenly felt something trying to climb into his chest until he coughed something out. It was smooth, lovely cherry blossom petals that he caught in his cupped hands.

What the fuck?!

He coughed up petals on a daily basis, and he was good at hiding it. It was suffocating at times, and he could barely breathe.

He went to the bathroom to throw up one night, Kirishima saw him with worried eyes without him noticing.

"What the hell are you looking at, shitty hair?"

"Hey man, uhm how are you doing? You seemed to have been in here for quite some time."

Katsuki shrugs and mutters, "Tch, just something I ate."

"Is that true? Have you.. ever eaten flowers?"

Katsuki's eyes widened as he looked down on the sink and saw white petals scattered around, fuck.

"Seriously, Bakugou. What's going on?" Kirishima approaches him.

"I'm fucking fine." He knows deep down inside that he isn't.

"These last few weeks have been a blur for you. Are you sick? You have a pale complexion. Look, it's okay, you can talk to me bro. I don't pass judgment."

Katsuki grumbled, "Fine." His chest hurt, and he couldn't keep it hidden any longer. It irritates him beyond belief.


They had already entered Katsuki's room, where he explained everything to Kirishima, who was stunned into silence.

"Mind to say something? It's unbelievable! Fuck this."

"Petals, huh?"

"Are you suddenly bad at hearing? Do you have any information on this?"

"Has this been going on for a while?"

"It was a week ago."

"Well i thought it wasn't real... Tell me. Do you like someone?"

Katsuki frowned. "What the fuck does this have to do with me liking someone? I don't even have the time to fall in love!"

"I'm not sure about that. Wait a minute!" He said while opening Katsuki's laptop. He hunched over, frantically typing coughing petals into Google.

And according to the page,

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, here the patient's throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals. One of the only ways for the disease to 'disappear' is if, the said person returns the feeling. The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals. If they choose neither of the options, or the feeling is not returned in time, then the patient's lungs will fill up with flowers, and will eventually suffocate or worst, die.

They looked at every site and found that they were all the same.

They remained expressionless for a minute, neither of them speaking or taking a breath until Katsuki broke the silence.


"Calm down, Bakugou! Others may already be sleeping!"

"Don't boss me around when it says right there that it's an unrequited. fucking. love, how am I supposed to calm down?!"

Kirishima exclaimed, "I'm sorry... holy shit dude, I just don't know how to react to that. First and foremost, I've only ever seen this in a story so I've never believed it could be true.."

He looked over Katsuki, and he can see his frustration and panic in his eyes. He is sitting, clencing his shirt.

"No, this is bullshit!"

"Don't worry bro.. If things don't improve, I'll help you in going to the hospital."

Katsuki didn't answer and just glared at him.

"All right, so... with whom are you in love?"

"HAH? how am I supposed to know?! I have no clue. I've never dated anyone or had a crush before. I couldn't care less about you extras here." Katsuki admitted.

"All right, chill dude! However, I believe this is legit," Kirishima said softly. "And we have to act quickly because if you don't find out sooner, you..."

He inhaled deeply. "You're literally going to die, and neither do you or I want that."

Katsuki coughed twice again. He really didn't want to die. Not because of a stupid disease. It's not honorable.


He had no time for this nonsense.

Dammit, he was on his way to becoming the number one hero, and that goal consumed all of his time. If he dies from this, he will lose that chance. The word Hanahaki whirled around in his head, but he couldn't understand it.

This disease, Katsuki knows, is a life-ruiner. He's well aware that he's doomed.

He don't know when he fell in love, he's eighteen years old and would die from unrequited love.

Fucking pathetic.

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