Draco P.O.V.
A month was almost over. I had one day left to spend before I was forced into the servitude of my enemy. The auror's paid a few visits to my mother and I to ensure we hadn't done any further misdeeds. I took the time I had to practice and learn simple wandless magic as I had been stripped of mine. Despite what the history books had said, it was a lot easier than it seemed. The only real struggle I had was to cast more difficult spells as it required more focus and emotion so I kept to simple levitation and minor healing. I had knowledge of how to do wordless magic as I had been doing so for years so it made things a lot easier for me. To prepare for my day of detriment, I was instructed to wear simple form fitted clothing alone as everything else would be provided for me.
It was time. I was first picked up by an Auror and taken to the house of Potter which was recently claimed. I was carried inside and told to stand at the doorway of what appeared to be a sitting room. The auror that had brought me here had left to converse with my tormentor. I listened in as much I could but it was to no avail. When their conversation seemed to be over, I was further told to stand in front of the two before I was to be informed.
Not wanting to be punished, I had followed the orders I was given. It was horrifying. I was stuck in a room with the person that probably wants to kill me and someone that is just here to ensure that I couldn't make an escape before anything was set in stone. I came to notice something was a little off. there were quite a few items on the table that was between us. Silence filled the air as I awaited the verdict of my current situation. Finally the deafening silence was broken.
"Mr. Malfoy, as you know you will be serving Mr. Potter. For public purposes we have left a choker that prevents you from doing anything that Mr. Potter instructs you to and the other when at home you are to wear this ownership collar, am I to be understood."
I nodded.
"Great! Now onto how you will be addressing Mr. Potter. Us auror's had decided before had that you are not to call Mr. Potter by his name. However, it seems to be in the favor of Mr. Potter himself that you only do so once alone or when you are told to do so. The name you will call him was already decided by Mr. Potter himself, which he has told us he would like to have kept private. We have left Mr. Potter some equipment that he will decide what to do with. I believe that will be all, so I shall be taking my leave."
It was now just me and Harry. A former death eater and the boy who lived. This seemed tragic. The room went silent for a moment before I comprehended what I was now to do. I put on the horrendous collar before giving a quick glare to Potter. He seemed to noticed what I had done and glared back. Suddenly, it was strange as he had then spoke.
"Malfoy, as of today you will be going through what I call 'pet' training. First thing is how you will address me privately is as 'Master'."
I couldn't believe it. This stupid git was trying to embarrass me. I bit my lip, holding in the sneered remark that I was ready to make. He continued to explain the rules and to my dismay, I was to be forced to go back to Hogwarts to finish my final year. Suddenly I made a serious blunder as I refused to follow the first order Potter had given me.

Heart of a Servant
FanfictionOnce feared but now a slave. The war against the dark lord was over, most of the death eaters had a life sentence in Azkaban. Now awaiting his trial, Draco Malfoy was now about to have the rest of his live decided it this one moment. Disclaimer: I...