Chapter 16 - Second chances

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We watch Lysandra as she fades into the horizon. As it's spring the sun is starting to set later so although she left after dinner, the sun is only just hitting the peak of its sunset. As we stand in the cosy living room, no one bothers to close the huge open glass doors that lead onto the balcony, meaning the crisp night air is beginning to wrap itself around us, and the reality of this new threat and adventure starts to sink in. Silence encases the room for a few minutes while everyone mentally prepares themselves to face this threat before we consider the logistics of what happens next. However, before we begin to discuss our plan of action, we all slump back into our designated seats- for most of us had stood up to wish Lysandra a good fair well. Then we begin recapping who is going where and what time they are leaving. Most of the court is just returning home to rule their kingdoms and set off any scouting parties of their own after the scouts we sent found corpses of animals, both predator and prey alike, throughout the Oakwald left in the same way Josie described.

I make my way through each member of the court in turn, Manon and Dorian agree to go to their respective kingdoms, Manon dropping her husband off in Ardalan before continuing to the witch kingdom. Manon and Dorian rule both kingdoms and live in both, ruling from whichever palace they are in at that moment in time. Whenever they are away from one of the lands, they have people making sure that their orders are obeyed - Chaol for Ardalan, unless he's also away, in which case it's entrusted to the general of their armies, General Lorigam. Bronwen, Manon's cousin, and Glennis, Manon's great-grandmother, look after the witch kingdom.

Fenrys is going to the towns and villages searching for any information about this threat. Lorcan is making posts for reporting incidents throughout Terrasen. Me and Rowan are staying in Orynth to make a formal announcement to the citizens, while we do that Elide is telling the kids where everyone is going with Yrene. Evangeline is researching in the teen and children's libraries with any children that want to help as well as helping the rest of us research the other royal libraries, while Manon and Dorian do the same in their royal libraries. Aedion is organising the armies as Lord of Caraverre and General, making sure to warn them of the threats. After some persuasion, Chaol agrees to help arrange the scouts and train the children a few times a week.

Once we've finished, I lie back on the sofa, head on Rowans lap and hands resting on my slightly swollen belly. Most of the children were put to bed before Lysandra left, but Yrene, Chaol and Aedion leave to make sure that Gavriel, who had left when we start talking about our plans, and Josie are asleep now that the moon is high in the sky.

While Rowan plays with my hair, everyone seems happy to just sit in peace listening to their bubble of air monitoring their childrens soft breathing signifying that theyre fast asleep. Its a while before any of the children start to accidentally use their magic in their sleep – and this time its Asterin, who according to the monitor has decided to shift into some form of winged creature and in the process of crashing into the walls – signified by a loud boom followed by a cry as Asterin is shocked awake. Manon and Dorian share a look over who has to deal with her this time, and it seems Manon ends up with the short straw as she glares at the king and rushes off to see their daughter. We all chuckle, and Dorian rises from his seat and walks over to the plant lined balcony beyond muttering something about getting fresh air.

I give him a moment before I follow behind.

Joining him at the wall we look out into the cool spring evening, the Kingsflame covered plain of Theralis stretching out before us. In the centre of the plain is a memorial of twelve witches riding their wyverns carved out of stone, each figure stands proud in the place where they fell surrounded by hundreds of flowers, both real and crafted - placed at their feet by those wanting to honour the fallen of the thirteen these past years. Throughout Orynth and places where battles took place and lives were lost all over Erilea there are memorials for the dead, including in Endovier and Calaculla to honour the slaves, although this memorial is bare of names to represent the unimaginable number of victims. Everyone known who was lost in the ten years corrupted by Valg has a name written somewhere, those not known will forever be remembered by those of us who feel the guilt for being unable to save so many people.

Dorian sighs as he looks towards the memorial for the witch his daughter is named after. I stay silent as I wait for him to share his thoughts in his own time.

"I dont think I'm ready to tell my story yet." He says quietly, "It seems stupid that after all these years I still havent come to terms with everything that happened, everything I did."

I lean in closer to him and rest my head on my shoulder, soaking in his warmth, "It takes time. Youll probably never mean it when people ask how you are and you reply with fine or good, but one day youll know that its the right time to share your story."

"I've heard your story so many times now Aelin, but each time it seems to shock me. Im sorry I didnt realise how difficult it was for you when we were young."

"You know now, and it wasnt all bad." I let out a small smile as I think over my life, "I loved and found moments to enjoy, I made the best out of a shit situation." Dorian lets out a laugh, "I want to thank you though, for giving me that small shot of freedom."

"You never deserved to be locked away, no matter what bad things you did. No one deserves to be a slave – gods you freed 200 of them from Rolfe." Dorian puts his arm round my shoulder, pulling me closer against the cold night air, and I smile at the memory of me and Sam finally starting to get along after all those years.

"You met him once." I whisper, finally giving out this small secret Id held close to my heart for all these years.

Dorian peers down at me, confusion wrinkling his brow, "Who? "

I smile as I breathe out the answer; "Sam."

Gaping at me Dorian seems to try and search through his memories to find this moment. "When?"

I smile softly as I recount the memory, "Years ago, at a party in Rifthold. I had just come back from the Red Desert; it was the first case I had been given. Arobynn told me it was to assassinate a slave trader, only it was to kill one of the few people trying to free them. It was a Harvest Moon party at Leighfer Bardingales house. Late in the evening I was dancing, probably ridiculously drunk, and you, Chaol and two others entered the party – I didnt know who you were of course because you were all masked, but you came over and wanted to dance with me, probably more, but Sam came and stopped you. He was quite rough actually, so Chaol got annoyed. It was probably for the best that he stopped you as the next morning I had a tremendous hangover." I had only realised this when we had a masquerade party in Ardalan to celebrate a year since the war and Dorian being king.

"I'm sorry, I didnt realise."

"Don't be sorry, I was still pretending I hated him at that point, although it was only a matter of days before I realised I loved him, as he had me his whole life." I blink away the tears that start to surface as I remember how his details are slowly slipping away from me.

Dorian has his own tears in his eyes as we look back out onto my kingdom, "He must have loved you very much."

"He did, Im just sorry I couldnt save him – even if I wouldnt be where I am now if I had. Its the same with Nehemia, She died so that I could fulfil my destiny. I still hate that truth, but am grateful everyday that I have my family and mate, even if some people are missing. Sorcha loved you as well Dorian, and she helped you find the motivation to free your country from corruption and find Manon."

"It still hurts though". Dorian whispers through his slowly falling tears.

"It means you care." I whisper back, even as my own tears fall, "I'm starting to forget all their small details, the things I hold closest are still there, but the rest is slipping from my grasp. Thats one downside of being immortal, you live on while everyone else gets left behind."

"That's something I'll have to worry about - not having enough time."

We stand huddled together against the cold, two rulers of once again mighty kingdoms looking up at the stars, wishing to remember and live without any more pain.

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