Chapter 19 - Ghost leopards

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I've been flying over Terrasen for a few hours up above the clouds. Beneath me everything seems so small, almost invisible in the rapidly fading light. I reached the edge of the Staghorns a while ago, and am now flying deeper and deeper into its freezing heart.

Ghost leopards are mostly solitary animals, But occasionally there are summits where all the leopards come together to discuss events and feuds in their territory. These summits are usually only between clans - individuals belonging to a certain territory, and ruled by a powerful chief. However, twice a year, or in the case of a major problem, these clans come together in a neutral mountain ground sanctuary called Icatha. This is where I'm heading now in the hope that they'll be there and not actually missing.

Ice and snowflakes swirl around me, threatening to pierce through my feathers. Thankfully in this form I am adapted to deal with cold, but ice is still a problem. My eagle eyes can see far around me, enabling easy pinpointing of locations and ease of hunting. Snow drapes over the landscape like a thick layer of icing on a cake, hiding any signs of life. I dive down closer to the ground to try and pinpoint the shining shell that I hung from a rocky ledge in the mountain, before shifting mid-air into my preferred form - a ghost leopard.

Once cloaked in the thick fur of the magnificent beast, I am easily adapted to this landscape and can quickly see that I am near one of the hidden trails leading to Icatha. After a quick glance around to see that no other leopards are near by, I head down the trail towards the mountain sanctuary.

My huge paws navigate the difficult terrain effortlessly, finding stable ground and solid snow with every step as the trail leads me deeper into the mountains and over many rocky ledges. I tried flying to Icatha before, but without the help of the hidden trails, it was impossible, and I ended up having to walk even further on foot because I'd landed too far west. After that I hung up the shell with a piece of twine I found in the palace, and used it as a pinpoint for the path I have grown to know like the back of my hand. I picked this path because it leads to all the clan meeting points, with Icatha at the centre. There are 6 clans; Kiarani, Chaoshof, Zilexs, Firdorns, Meridan, and Sadaron. They each have part of the mountain range as their territory. I belong to the Kiarani clan, or am at least welcome in their ranks. I belong to this clan because it's close to Orynth, they were the most welcoming, and they are one of the most powerful.

I've been following this trail for around half an hour when I eventually spot Icatha. From the outside it just looks like a huge mountain with a flat snow covered pasture around it, but if you know where to look then you will see the delicate carvings covering the rock walls depicting the story of how the ghost leopards and fae came to an agreement to stay out of each other's lives ,and in return the fae built this hidden sanctuary. These carvings are all pointing towards, and surrounding, a cave entrance no bigger than a set of double doors, leading to the heart of Icatha. I pad silently up to this entrance and bow my head.

"I would like to request entrance to Icatha." I growl out, instantly switching to their language .

" And who is seeking this entrance?" A gravelly voice replies .

"Lysandra of Kiarani clan, ambassador for the queen of Terrasen."

"Oh, You." The voice responds, followed by a moment's silence. I'm about to speak again when a shadow starts creeping down the cave entrance . I push my ears back and keep my eyes lowered in a submissive way, while still making sure to keep on guard.

Soft footsteps stop in the entrance before me and as the wind changes direction I can smell the scent of the individual.

"Did you miss me?" The voice growls out.

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