The proposal

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(A/n Hey guys! so sorry for being really inactive) 

Dixies pov 

I was coming home today after a getaway week with the girls (Charli and Addison) and would finally get to see Noah after a long week. I had fun but i couldn't wait to be cuddled in his arms watching cat in the hat.

Addison - "Dix are you ready to go?" I looked up from the suitcase that i had just put a shirt into

Dixie - "Always" I zipped up my suit case and walked out the door hand in hand with Addi.

Charli - "Do not leave me behind!" Charli said from inside the bathroom. Me and Addison laughed as we thought she was already in the hallway.

Dixie - "Char what are you doing?" Charli peaked her head out of the bathroom with half a wing

Charli - "Getting pretty" I sighed and put my suitcase down 

Dixie - "Why are you doing that now and not 4o minutes ago?"

Addison - "Because 40 minutes ago she was asleep" Addi laughed "Charli get pretty in the car i wanna go home!"

Dixie - "Are we not good enough for you?" I said cocking my head to the side and looking at Addison 

Addison - "Not that but I have been sharing a suite with you two for the past week and am in need of a break" she said nodding her head toward the bathroom we both laughed

Dixie - "Charli! we will leave you!" 

Charli - "I'm coming" She walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her bags "Lets go" 

we made our way downstairs and into our uber.

Dixie - "Charli where you gonna go?"

Charli - "Home?" she said looking confused

Addison - "Which home?" we shared a look. worried was on both of our faces

Charli - "The one with Chase" 

Dixie - "I thought you guys were still on a break"  "me too" Addison added

Charli - "I miss him......and i need some clothes" "char i-" "We are so sorry" 

Charli - "Don't be, Maybe we can work things out" I patted her leg and changed the subject.


we had just landed in L.A and Bryce was here to pick us up

Bryce - "Hello ladies" Addi ran toward him and he wrapped Addison in a hug and kissed her forehead "I missed you" "i missed you more" She said kissing him. 

I gagged dramatically and pretended to throw up

Charli - "I just threw up in my mouth" she said with a look of disgust 

Dixie - "Don't step behind you or you'll step in mine" I said sarcastically

Addison - "oh shut up" she said rolling her eyes and laughing.

we put our bags in the trunk and got in the car.

We first arrived at Chase and Charli's place

Addison - "Do you want us to wait?" she said touching Charli's shoulder

Charli - "i'm fine" We all said goodbye and exchanged a sad look.

Bryce - "Call if you want us to come back and get you" 

Charli - "I will" we pulled away and soon made it to me and Noah's apartment.

Addison - "Bye Dix!" She said waving from the passengers seat

Bryce - "bye" They waved as they were pulling away

Dixie - "You don't wanna come in?" "no" "See you later" 

somebody wanted something i said to myself, nasty. I made my way up to the apartment 

Dixie - "Noah I'm home-" 

Noahs pov

Bryce texted me that they had just dropped her off. I turned off all the lights and stood in the kitchen

Dixie - "Noah i'm home-" The lights were off, maybe he was still asleep. I went to the couch and dropped my bags off, I made my way to the kitchen to turn the lights on as i was walking past the island i felt hands wrap around my waist "Fuck" I yelled I heard a laugh "You are a jerk" I said turning around in his arms "I missed you though" I said kissing his lips

Noah - "i missed you too" He turned on the lights and there was a giant breakfast at the table

Dixie - "Awww bub" I kissed his cheek and walked over to the table "this is so cute" I said shoving a hashbrown in my mouth

Noah - "Dix?" I turned around and he pulled out something from his pocket and walked towards me. "Will you Marry me?" he pulled out a ring and held it out to me "I know you don't like cliché proposals so i didn't get a box, or a diamond and i knew the on one knee thing was definitely-" "yes"

Dixie - "yes, yes, yes" I said shoving another hashbrown in my mouth "you are the guy for me" I said with a mouth full of potato He chuckled "and i love you very much" I swallowed and he put the ring on my finger "I love you Noah"

Noah - "I love you more" He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer "Always" 

the end

So I think I'm ending this book. Please don't be mad at me its just i don't really like it anymore and i think it doesn't have a direction anymore. I want to write an au just not sure what about yet.

I have some suggestions for you guys to read while i figure it out

Bestfriend to boyfriend -KristenTurinske

Cigarettes - diixiecharms

We meet again - amayah132627 

Finding happiness - amayah132627 

mon amour - lovedoahh

Bestfriend Brother - alwaysfordixie

theres plenty more but these are ones off the top of my head love ya'll!

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