~ three ~

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"Y/N, wake up." You felt a poke on the side of your stomach. Your eyes fluttered open to be met with a familiar face, Kageyama.

"We here already dumbass," Kageyama said still poking you. You slapped his hand away, getting annoyed.

"Okay okay." You furrowed your eyebrows and look up at him. He just shakes his head smiling and started walking out of the bus.

You started getting up and step out of the bus. The sun instantly hits your eyes, immediately lifting your hand to cover your eyes from the sun. You tried to adjust your eyes to the surrounding, all you see is two big gymnasiums, the main building and the sleeping quarter.

You look around seeing different people from different schools. The school closes to us on the right, you assume that it was Fukurodani from the color of their uniform. The school on the right of Fukurodani is Shiritorizawa. The right of Shiritorizawa is Aoba Johsaj, and finally, the school on the left of us is Nekoma.

"Kenma!!" You heard Hinata shouted, seeing him waving his hand towards the blonde guy from Nekoma.

"Come Y/N, let's go say hi to them," He said eagerly and started pulling you.

"I don't even know them, take Noya with you or someone else." You said yawning while trying to reach your arm back but fail.

"Don't worry I'll introduce you to them, their nice people." He said and drag you toward them. You sigh in defeat and let him drag you.

You started walking with Hinata and decided to scan through all of Nekoma members. There are the blonde hair dude name Kenma, you heard Hinata said earlier. One guy standing next to Kenma, he has messy black hair and a bang over on his left side. You didn't realize how tall he is till you are standing in front of him.

"Hello Shoyo," Kenma greeted without looking up from his game.

"Hey shrimp!" The black hair dude greeted and ruffle Hinata's hair. "and who's this?" He asks, nodding over towards you.

"Hello! This is Y/N, Y/N this is Kuroo and Kenma," He said trying to adjust his hair while introducing us. You just waved.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Y/N." Kuroo smirk, reaching out his hand making a fist. You fist pump him. Kenma waved towards you and smile over at him.

"You too!" You said taking your fist back from him. You can hear Kenma and Hinata started talking beside you two.

"So," Kuroo spoke up making you look up at him, "Are you the new manager? Cause I only ever see Kiyoko and Yachi." He said with his head tilt to the side looking at you.

You slightly chuckle, which Kuroo finds very cute. "Well, I'm just a temporary manager. Yachi, she has some family business, she won't be coming until next week." You said giving Kuroo a small smile.

"Ah okay, what year are you in?" He asked, smiling.

"I'm a second year." You answer him politely. "What about you?" You asked trying to keep the conversation going, so it didn't turn awkward.

"Third year." He answered and you nodded.

"What position do you play?" You asked wondering, cause he seems to be pretty tall, so you're guessing that he's a middle blocker.

"I'm glad you ask, I'm a middle blocker." He said proudly. You gave yourself a mental high five for guessing it. "Also the captain of this team," He added. You weren't surprised that he was the captain is pretty obvious.

You saw that Kuroo was about to say something, but got cut off by a voice.

"Hinata! Y/N! Come over and help us get the stuff out of the bus." Daichi yelled calling us over.

"We'll be there in a sec!"You turn around and yelled back.

"Were you going to say something?" You turn back to face Kuroo again.

"Nah it's nothing." He said smirking at you. You look at him confused about why he was smirking. You just blush it off.

"Let's go Hinata. It was nice meeting you two," You grabbed Hinata by the arm and dragged him towards the bus. You waved bye to Kenma and Kuroo, which Kenma did, but Kuroo just winks at you. You didn't think anything by it but are still confused.

hope you enjoy it!

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