They came (you gone)

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Soldiers came
and took
the old books
that I had on that
corner where
I told you everything
about myself, I don't
need anything
They lighted a fire
and burned
everything down
Has you did with me
The president came
and told me to
sign the house realise
  I don't need anything
So I gave him the keys
I just kept the
chair,  where you
asked me to trust
you on the night we
made love for the
first time, in this
dusty house..Lawyers
came and asked me
if I had something on
my name I told them
that there was a time
when my name was
craved in a man's heart
But he lost it on a
battlefield... And that,
that was a shame.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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