Ch 00 - She's Finally Lost it

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Whenever the spouses are away there is a special ritual that these four siblings partake in(and later along with their kids). But often times the only boy of these four is the biggest victim or maybe not?who can really say for sure. Deep underground in some strange laboratory one of the many insane or even weird games has begun.
Pulling out her checklist the young adult in a strange get up began to recite
"Evil lair straight out of a horror movie" she looked around
"A sidekick along for the ride..." trailing off she turns around to look at her brother who she firmly tied to a chair due to his unwillingness to cooperate
"Hmm" she tilted her head, "hmmmmmm" watching her with unease her brother proceeded to struggle frantically.
"oh well I guess it counts" she shrugged
"I AM NOT YOUR SIDEKICK SERENITY" he burst out in a puff
"Oh but Haruka dear that it is not how this thing works" she smiled
"N-No n-no No no NO" he shook his head of curly platinum silver hair frantically, "NOT YOU TOO!!" He pleaded squinting his ruby eyes at her for a few moments before drooping his head clearly upset by this whole thing
"IT I-It was Kiera she infected you with the March Madness Syndrome" he cried, "NO!! WHAT HAS SHE DONE?! What has my TWIN DONE?! KIERA!! SERENITY DID NOT DESERVE THIS!" He wiggled about until suddenly he fell forward released from his binds.
He hit the metal floor with a painful thud. Getting up Haruka looked around his eyes falling on an operation table. His sister was strangely enthusiastic about and this worried him. He decided to tiptoe his way out but life had other things planned for him. Yes other things. Things like bringing his sisters back to their senses or trying to stop the possible apocalypse within the next five seconds. Which he could be wrong about the world ending but on days like this where he tends to find all kinds of weird sh*t inside the manor it was possible the end of the world was coming.
He sighed somewhat grumbling to himself 'I would much rather sleep than deal with this but with them like this I don't know what could happen.' He then looked up to the ceiling for a few seconds.
It was metallic and covered in wire with strange long tunnel like whole that appear red as if it went on forever. Confused, Haruka tilted his head to look at it but couldn't figure out why it would be in such an odd place.
"That's weird" he was thinking out loud and began to ask his question, "why is there such a strange tunnel in the ceiling? Which is in a room several meters below sea level underneath the manor....I don't get doesn't seem to serve any purpose at all...." Serenity turned to look at him and was about to speak when Haruka cut him off, "Decoration...maybe? Or a funky looking and oddly made escape tunnel??....that doesn't sound could be a skylight could it??? But we are too far underground....just how could that work??" He kept tilted his head back and forth and then suddenly exclaimed, "I DON'T KNOW! NOTHING M-makes S-S-sense" stuttering a little
His sudden outburst startled Serenity and made her jump a little but she quickly regained her composure and said, "it is a skylight...." there was a long silence in the air as Haruka stood there in shock questioning her mental state.
Her younger brother looked at her like she had a pit in her brain to help speed up the process of screws falling out rather than just staying loose. And so he thought to himself at that very moment, 'she's finally lost it! There is no turning back now! How could this have happened!! I was right here this whole time....even if it was against my will I was here has HAS MY SISTER ACTUALLY TURNED INTO A MAD SCIENTIST!!!' His stress levels were very high and were still rising,
He stood there frozen for awhile before after what seemed like forever let out a whispering croak, "are you okay?" His eyes were unfocused as he was searching about for a quick and safe escape route if need be.
"I'm fine!" She protested but not so sure about that he proceeded to back away slowly. Catching notice of this she gripped him by the shoulder, "Where do you think your going?" She interrogated, "you are my sidekick...well maybe more like assistant which is exactly you are not going anywhere" with that said she turned her focus back to her steampunk styled laboratory and the wires, gears, buttons, levers, and whatnot that comprised it.
Making her away to her journal she made a quick check and then proceeded to do a one over. Pressing buttons, pulling levers, and reconfiguring data. Fixing numerical errors, adjusting materials, compiling parts and much more. It was a long process and before long her eyes sparkled excitedly with resolve that she can now make her way to the operation table.
"Let's begin the experiment!!" A thin but calloused fair peach hand of one who seemed to have practice swordsmanship for years reached out to an operating table of sorts unveiling a giant green man like thing made of metal from underneath a giant tarp, Serenity, the oldest daughter, grinned, dressed from head to toe like some mad scientist, her platinum blonde locks bounced about framing her face and livening her green eyes that much like shimmering ethereal emeralds glowed faintly upon her wintery peach blossom cheeks.
"What experiment?" The worried response came from her only brother Haruka

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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