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Chapter Twelve: Orientation

The Hidden often use the inventions of humans while still imbedding their magic into those creations. It makes for some... rather destructive devices.

--Excerpt from 'The Guide to the Realm of the Hidden.'


    The drive, while fell silent, was full of unspoken energy. Granted, the energy wasn't coming from their coach, but from the feeling of entering college. Hannah had been waiting for this moment for years. As she stared out the window, gazing at the clouds on the shiny warm day, her smile as large as the sun. Today was their orientation day. Soon they would be walking the halls of one of the greatest hero schools to ever be born.

    "You know," Coach said, breaking the slight tension, "it's been a pretty long time since I've been to school. Especially a hero school. I wonder what's different. Probably nothing. But maybe everything."

    "Wait, did you attend a hero school?" Bill asked, poking his head up to the front seat. "I thought you didn't have an official degree."

    "I don't. But I took a few semesters here and there. The first one was at Blue Sky."

    Hannah choked. "Blue Sky? As in, Blue Sky Academy, world renown hero school? The best hero school in the world? The one where Valiant went to? That Blue Sky?"

    "Yeah. But things got boring so I left." He passed by some cars, accelerating rather quickly. "I suppose since we have about forty minutes before we arrive, I better go over some quick hero school life, uh, advice."

    "Won't it be outdated?" Lilly asked from the front seat next to him. Of course she called shotgun.

    "Possibly. But heroes are universal, and eventually their ways always loop back to the same patterns." Coach casually changed the radio station to a metal station. "First off, you three are freshman. So, it's important to remain humble. There will be arrogance. A lot of it. Even from other freshmen. Whatever you, don't get cocky with anyone. Which leads into my second point. The more humble and kind you are, the more allies you gain. Believe it or not, factions form all the time at hero schools, official and unofficial. Allies are more important than just about anything after your education and training. Allies and their friendship can last years. Decades. They can back you in tough situations, guide you when I'm not around, or even just be people you can rely on. Get a couple of allies in your corner, and it's hard to have a bad time."

    "So, like, making friends essentially?" Hannah asked.

    "No. Some could be your friends. Others might not. They will make it known. Hell, you could align yourselves with the worst scum that the academy is training. Students who just want the hero degree to make money and nothing more. Odds are they won't be your friends. But let me tell you, scum are very useful to have in a fight."

"It seems like you have experience."

"Oh yes." Coach changed lanes. "Because I was that scum."

"I don't think that's what you're supposed to say," said Lilly.

"I broke a lot of noses."

It's coming from a good place, Hannah thought.

"Anyways," he said, ignoring the strange looks. "The next piece of advice is this: avoid at all costs messing with the students who practice building stuff. Anyone in the creation clubs are very protective of their items. If you go and accidentally ruin one of their inventions, you're in deep trouble."

"What's a creation club?" Bill asked.

"Didn't they have those at your high school?"

"We had arts and crafts."

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