Getting Through Summer

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Chapter 8: Getting Through Summer

Witches have many aspects that make them unique. Their greatest however is their ability to make anything fly. From a broom to a scooter, Witches are glorious at air creativity. Unlike Warlocks, who fear the sky more than heaven itself.

--Excerpt from 'The Guide to the Realm of the Hidden.'


The group finally left the bar. Hannah watched as Lilly, who had decided to get another drink, tried to find her bearings as they left. The fae wasn't stumbling, but was latching on to Bill for support.

"Guys I'm fine," Lilly said, a little slower than normal. "It's just two drinks. I'll be okay."

"Two strong drinks," Bill muttered, looking down at the girl as she struggled to keep on. "Next time just get a beer."

"But those taste groosss." Lilly exaggerated the last word, acting like a child. As we moved down the street, the fae couldn't help but ogle at the skies, admiring all the fae and witches traveling around.

Coach fell in line with her as Bill slowed down to keep pace with Lilly. "Are there strict laws in Grande City for flying?"

Hannah glanced up at him. "No. But as a kid, Lilly's mother never really let her do anything. She had to stay in a lot, while still never getting much attention. Her mom thought that it was safer that way."

"And was her mother affected by the war too?"

Hannah fell silent for a moment. She could hear her two friends going back and forth at each other behind her. "Well, from what my dad has told me, Gwen, Lilly's mother, was actually away when the war broke out. She was in the East Asian Province, for work. Lilly was here though, with family. When Gwen came back, all she found was her daughter."

"Strange then, that she never gives her attention," Coach said. "But that must've been hard."

"Yeah. Lilly has said she doesn't remember much, so we think she might've gotten hurt." Hannah frowned from the thought. "It's just a theory though."

"A likely one from the sounds of it."

Hannah took in the breeze from the lake. It felt good on her skin. "It looks though like the citizens of this city were able to build it back strong. Were you here when it fell?"

Coach took a deep breath. Hmmm, probably not the best question to ask yet, Hannah thought. Yet Coach responded anyways. "Yes. I was. That can be a story for another day however."

He spun, almost glaring at the two bickering kids. "Hey, did you want to go shopping or not? I've got plans for tonight which I cannot miss."

"Ooooo shopping! Yes, I wanna," Lilly blurted out, smiling wildly. "I'd very much like to."

Nodding, the necromancer pointed down a street. "If we go this way, there'll be the outdoor markets. Lots of hidden treasures if you know where to look." The necromancer hummed softy, touching the base of his finger to his mouth. "Tell me, are you accustomed to using weapons yet?"

Hannah faced Bill, who shrugged in response, saying, "We're not. Hannah is a magi so she has access to her magic, I can shift, and Lilly wants to use tattoos. Weapons have never seemed practical."

"Ha!" Coach grabbed the bridge of his nose. "Okay. Well, I know at least one other thing you'll need over the summer. Come on, we better hurry."

They moved down the streets, going by busy Hidden either doing shopping, or eating food, or just lounging around on the warm summer day. Hannah, having only known her home of Evans City, where the people were tough from the cold and high altitudes, and had become even more frigid after the war, was just so taken aback by the casual nature of the city.

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